God is good and His mercy endures forever.

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God's Goodness Gospel Ministries 


Thank you for coming. We want you to know that we value and care for you.
We understand that being new isn't always easy.  At God's Goodness Gospel Ministries
we want to make it easy and comfortable for you in every way.

Learning about the Word of God should not be stressful. It is supposed to be digestible, revealing, and honest.

In God's kingdom, Understanding is the Key.
Our goal is to help you to understand. Once you understand, access begins to take place in your life and freedom occurs. When you understand your faith can begin to grow.

When you understand that FAITH is what pleases God and provokes him to move, you will begin to attempt to grow it as much as possible.

We are here to help you with your walk while you take a step out on FAITH and trust
the LORD.


Please allow us to be your guide to freedom and having life, but having life more abundantly. It is possible, with the right teaching and knowledge.

Join us!

What To Expect

Our Ministry is designed to share God's Word how he wants us to know who he is. It is not always easily digestable. Believers must know that there are hard truths that come with learning about the LORD.

We are a truth speaking ministry.

We want our congregation to know there are laws and statutes regarding the Word that God has laid out for us. There are also punishments, just like in society, when we break the law. Just like parents on earth have punishments for their chhildren when they are disobedient.

In the bible it says the TRUTH shall set you FREE.  

Our plan at God's Goodness Gospel Ministries is to set you FREE. Freedom comes with knowing the TRUTH.

share with us

We'd love to hear from you. Fears? Concerns? Questions?