God is good and His mercy endures forever.


Servants of the lord

Analuisa Abrahamson

Woman of God 

AnaLuisa is the lead pastor to God's Gospel. She has had a calling on her life from God to preach the gospel since she was five years old. Jesus Christ has been speaking to her personally since she was a child. The Lord has also revealed Himself multiple times in different ways to Analuisa. She is chosen specifically from the Lord to do His work on the earth.

AnaLuisa's first job was at a Catholic Church, which groomed her for her responsibilities today. The hand of God has raised her up to run and lead a ministry for the sole purpose of spreading the gospel to every creature, healing the sick, and helping guide people in their walk with Jesus Christ. 

AnaLuisa is a prophet of God. She speaks from the spirit of God and has been given many revelations about in depth meanings in the bible to share with the world for wisdom and understanding. Her teachings are edifying and minister life to all who have an ear to hear.