God is good and His mercy endures forever.
Keep Going
August 18th, 2024
Most people are not used to trudging forward in life to get to their destination. They are introduced to an unexpected trial they believe does not provide the proper evidence it is worth the effort an...  Read More
Mental Health Part 2
July 10th, 2024
Your Thoughts Are Important Your thoughts are a manifestation of your life. They make up every inch of it. How you feel right now is based on how you have been thinking. People who possess a positive ...  Read More
Mental Health
June 1st, 2024
Mental Health is the root of many people's problems today. Struggling with depression, lack of focus, anger, sadness, confusion, loneliness, self-esteem and more. This problem seems to be a pandemic i...  Read More
Finding Your Identity Part 3
May 5th, 2024
The Power of Habit An important attribute to life is understanding the power of habit. The reason for this is because we are all molded and formed by our habits. This is where finding your identity co...  Read More
Finding Your Identity Part 2
March 1st, 2024
Finding your identity is actually a molding process. It's an elimination and replacement game. Eliminating things from your personality that are placing you in situations that cause ruin or problems f...  Read More
Finding Your Identity
January 27th, 2024
We can go many years throughout our lives and not know our true identity. Associating with groups that give us temporary laughter and intermittent positivity, yet still not know what our identity trul...  Read More
Avoid Sadness in December
December 25th, 2023
The holidays are supposed to be a cheerful time of year. So why are so many people unhappy,  disappointed, or sad during a time that is designed for joy? There is only one word for it -- focus. Wherev...  Read More
Reach - The Power of Effort p.2
November 29th, 2023
In the Bible one of the biggest stories about reach is about the woman with the issue of blood. If you do not know the story, it is a tremendous tale of an individual's commitment to get to their  des...  Read More
Reach - The Power of Effort
November 14th, 2023
The effort you give in your life will make a big difference in your results. Give big effort, you will get big results. Give small effort, your results will be small. It all has to do with what you de...  Read More
October 12th, 2023
Living on earth will produce its batch of challenges. In fact, as long as you have life, challenges will arise. The important thing is not if the challenge shows up, it is -- how do you prepare yourse...  Read More
How Do I Get Untangled? Part 3
July 22nd, 2023
Albert Einstein once said, "The measure of intelligence is the ability to change." If you continue to grow and changed in your life, you should understand why one of the greatest minds of society shar...  Read More
How Do I Get Untangled? Part 2
May 17th, 2023
If you want to untangle your life you must do one main thing first -- be honest with yourself. Acknowledging the different roles that were played in your life in an attempt to understand how you arriv...  Read More
How Do I Get Untangled?
March 30th, 2023
I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron. (King James Version. Isaiah. 45.2). God wants your crooked p...  Read More
Understanding Love 2
March 20th, 2023
Many people say that love is hard to find. They say that love doesn't exist anymore. Because of this, a substantial amount of people have given up on love, even though they still want to feel it or ex...  Read More
Understanding Love
March 3rd, 2023
God designed you to love … to love like He does -- patiently, and kindly. To love with hope and trust. Trusting the power of what love will do in your life. He wants you to do it with no regrets. Not ...  Read More
Journey with God part 2
January 25th, 2023
When Jesus walked the earth He continuously shared to his disciples and to the world what a journey of life would be if you were with Him. He gave examples, told stories, and allowed onlookers to see ...  Read More
Journey with God
January 5th, 2023
If you look back on your life you will see a list of journey's you have embarked upon up until this point of your life. When I speak of the word journeys, I mean what you have been through -- the good...  Read More
How Does Prayer Work? Part 2
September 26th, 2022
There are many things about following the Word of God that if you do not search them out or read the Bible faithfully, you will not know how they truly work. Misconceptions, confusion, and judgements ...  Read More
How Does Prayer Work?
September 20th, 2022
Many people pray and do not get the result that is desired. I say many because it is very common for people to pray to God and receive nothing back — but the issue is not God. Throughout many years fo...  Read More
Power In Resistance Part 2
August 23rd, 2022
Every day you wake up you will be presented with opportunities to resist things. If you have a job or go to school, the first opportunity you usually face is the temptation of going back to sleep when...  Read More
Power In Resistance
August 1st, 2022
Power In ResistanceMany men and women have fallen because of their lack of strength to resist temptation or influence. You can travel throughout history or even go back to the garden of Eden with Adam...  Read More
What Are You Committed To?
July 29th, 2022
The Bible is a commitment book. Designed to guide you to success from each book in it. You can only have success and true protection on this earth through the Bible. You can read the Bible every day a...  Read More
Why is Jesus the Way? Part 2
July 13th, 2022
Your direction in life determines where you will end up. No matter if you chose the course or someone else chooses it for you. You are where you are in your life today because of a specific road, dire...  Read More
Why is Jesus the Way?
June 19th, 2022
Why is Jesus the Way?? I'll tell you why. Jesus is the Way because he possesses the keys to the kingdom of heaven. He is the door and access to a life that brings peace and order. Jesus is the cure to...  Read More




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