God is good and His mercy endures forever.


Oct 4, 2021    AnaLuisa

Encourage yourself to continuously have growth within you and in your outer layer of life. A thick skin doesn’t necessarily mean the heart is also thicker, it just means you can take more hits. What if, instead you balanced both by involving God in all you do. The power to have courage to confront our daily struggles lies within us with the power of God. Without Gods involvement in our life, confronting any fear with courage can seem impossible to do. The reason behind this, is because it is impossible to face fear without God. The most powerful words the world and universe can use against fear courageously, comes from God and are inside the Bible. Remember what Bible stands for (B. I. B. L. E. ) Bible, Instructions, Before, Leaving, Earth. God made sure the world knew how to live in it by providing us a manual of how to live on the earth He created, and how to confront any and all obstacles we would encounter before leaving earth. Courage is our offensive linemen. It moves attacks of fear out of our life. Preventing them from getting in our way.

The next time you feel down, discouraged, with fear, anxiety, or going through hard times -- involve God in your battle, and allow Him to fight this for you. In 1 Peter 5: 7 it says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” In order to have strength you must involve the word of God in your daily routine. Consider it a part of your life. More of a lifestyle. When you begin to do this, you will be able to courageously confront fear with strength and without doubt. Fear comes and sleeps within you through emotions that are triggered from your amygdala located in the center of your brain by your hippocampus. This part of your brain is in charge of storing memories and emotions involved with fear, triggering neuron sensors to alert you of any danger you may be in based upon a previous experience.

The enemy also uses this department of your brain to insert additional fear that is non existent. This is where the word of God is used as a sword to win the spiritual and fleshly battle you maybe encountering. Using the word of God, such as, In Jesus Name; I bind you in Jesus name; I rebuke you in the name of Jesus, will come handy in the near future to prevent assignments towards you the enemy may try to plan.

Ephesians 6:17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Stand up for yourself, you have every tool to command fear to leave your mind and body now in Jesus name. God is within you and His word will always save you and your soul.
Prayer, Faith, Trust in God, Obedience to God and using His word is your salvation. Courage is your offensive linemen. Use them. They are here to protect you to defeat the enemy.