God is good and His mercy endures forever.

Faith Muscle

Sep 16, 2021    AnaLuisa

When we wake-up we must use our faith muscle and declare what type of day we are going to have. What type of morning we will have -- and believe it. We must start exercising this muscle right away. We cannot allow our morning, day, or a person to dictate what will occur in our day, or life, but we must proclaim what type of day and future we will have -- by faith. This is something we must do every day – no matter what.
Do not allow stubbing your toe in the morning to ruin your entire day. Don’t allow someone else’s stress in the morning to ruin your opportunities. Boats are designed to float, and water is designed to stay out of boats, or they will sink. Just like boats, our bodies are designed to keep fear, anxiety and stress out, or we will sink. This is exactly how we must treat our bodies when it comes to fear, anxiety, and stress. Keep them out. They are designed to place us in bondage and steal from us. They steal our peace. They steal our joy. They steal our sanity. They ruin our relationships, and much more.

What we must know and understand FEAR, ANXIETY, and STRESS -- they are all spirits. And God gives his children power over them. This is why it says in the Bible in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.” When we give our life to Christ, Jesus gives us power of attorney to use his name against these spirits that want to ruin anything and everything they can get their hands on – especially God’s children. But they cannot stick around. They must leave once we command them to leave “In the name of Jesus” or “In Jesus Name.”

It’s time to allow faith in Jesus to allow you to clean up and remove the things that have been ruining parts of your life and keeping you down for so long. In the bible it says all things are possible to them that believe. Faith is based upon belief. Your situation will only change -- by faith. But, we must stand up and use our voice.

The bible is a book of commands, and declarations, and speaking to the giants that are in our life, just like David did when he fought the giant Goliath in the book of Samuel. Before David killed the giant Goliath, he spoke against him and used the “the name of Jesus.” He used his voice. Then he slayed the giant. There is power in our voice. This is why we must open our mouth and speak up to defeat the giants that are in our life.

God teaches us in David’s story and many others that no matter how big the challenge, if we come against our giants, our problem, fear, anxiety, stress or anything hindering us, “In the name of Jesus” -- it will come down.

Fear is gripping and very dangerous if we continue to believe what it says to us about what we cannot do or achieve. Has fear prevented you from doing anything in your life? Has it prevented you from trusting? How about going back to school? Maybe it’s kept you from losing weight or starting a business. Fear is a lie, and we must attack it by faith with the “Name of Jesus.” In the bible it says in Mark 9:23, “All things are possible to them that believe.” The belief Jesus spoke about in this verse is FAITH. So it can be read as “All things are possible to those who have Faith.”

No matter what your situation is you can overcome it with faith. David had the faith in God that the giant in his life, Goliath, was beaten before the fight even started. The giant that is in your life is already defeated also, you just have to stand up and speak to it and believe by faith, and it will come down. It starts by declaring 2 Timothy 1:7 daily and any other time fear tries to come around you. “For God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.” You will begin to see and feel things begin to let go of you. Do not give up. Have faith. Trust in God.

I believe you can do it -- In Jesus Name

2 Corinthians 5:7
"For we live by faith, not by sight."