God is good and His mercy endures forever.

October 31st

Oct 25, 2021    AnaLuisa

October 31st is not the holiday most people believe it to be. It is a demonic (satanic) holiday dressed up as a month about jack o' lanterns, costumes, candy, cool parties, innocent fear, and haunted houses. This is not what it is on this day in the spiritual realm.

God says in the Bible to "Fear Not" a multitude of times because of what fear does in your life. It is torment and destroys anything that gives into it. Partaking in this holiday is letting God know you support fear and whatever torments come with it. God hates fear.

Do not be fooled anymore about this demonic holiday. The fun you think you're having on October 31st gives the spirit of fear legal rights to torment you and paralyze you in the future.

Think twice, if you truly believe in God, before you continue in support of this demonic holiday. The enemy always uses something that seems innocent or fun, to get you to partake-in, so he can take from you through fear afterwards.