God is good and His mercy endures forever.

Through Christ You Can Do All Things

Mar 2, 2022    AnaLuisa

The Bible is created for those that believe. It will only work in your life with belief and knowing. It is designated to set you free and remove stress and confusion from your life and any other bondage you may be in. The world does not provide peace. When you continue to look for your happiness in the world, you will continue to be let down and disappointed. The only true happiness and peace is in the Bible.

The Bible has treasures and secrets that will be given to you when you give your life to Christ and commit your life to what it teaches. It is your guide. There are ways to get rid of fear, stress, drug addiction, debt, a broken heart, depression, suicidal thoughts, perversion, lying, and anything that is bogging you down. It is through the Bible. The applications are all in the greatest book ever written.

You can do all things. Not because you say you can. You can do all things because Jesus says you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Philippians 4:13

Read the Bible and apply it to your life -- and if you are fully committed to the LORD -- you will experience and see the freedoms the Bible speaks about in your life. Now is the time.

We hope you are blessed and empowered by what God has given to us to share with you.

God Bless You

God's Gospel Team