God is good and His mercy endures forever.

The Samaritan Woman Meets Jesus

Apr 15, 2022

Jesus was sent to earth to show believers how to live and act while he was on His journey to eventually die on the cross for our sins.

At the well, Jesus shows the Samaritan Woman kindness, consideration, love, selflessness, sacrifice and more while he discloses who He is to her. The Samaritan woman heard of the "Messiah," who is Christ, all through her family, town, and upbringing. Because of her Faith, she was allowed to meet Jesus and introduce him to all of the people in her town. This is how it still works today.

When you have Faith in the Lord, he will show up in your life in an astonishing way. Once this happens you will be able to share him with everyone you know, just like the Samaritan Woman did.

Jesus was displaying who the Father was to her in every way. A listener, caring, letting you know he has known you for years even when you didn't have a relationship with Him. He still knows who you are.

Trust in the Lord and watch Him show up miraculously in your life. And He will give you living water that you will not thirst again from.