God is good and His mercy endures forever.

The Whale

Oct 5, 2021    AnaLuisa

“The B.C. Whale vs. The 21st Century Whale”

On June 11, 2021, a lobster diver from Cape Cod, Massachusetts was working in the prime of day. In a blink-of-an-eye he was in total darkness. Staggered by the abrupt overtaking, he thought he was in the mouth of a shark. He immediately began to think of his two children. Not being able to see fully, the lobster diver’s vision slowly became available, and he caught a glimpse of the species’ mouth. He noticed there was no teeth. He thought of God. Within thirty seconds, he was spit out of a humpback whale’s mouth, after being swallowed and miraculously surviving.

Around 750 B.C. a man by the name of Jonah was swallowed by a whale.
After being in the great fish for three days, Jonah prayed to God and vowed to follow God’s command. Within seconds, God commands the fish to vomit Jonah out.

If it happened with the lobster diver in 2021, and it happened with Jonah in 750 B.C., That means your life is in the Bible!