God is good and His mercy endures forever.

Why is Jesus the Way?

Why is Jesus the Way?? I'll tell you why. Jesus is the Way because he possesses the keys to the kingdom of heaven. He is the door and access to a life that brings peace and order. Jesus is the cure to your broken-heart. He is the refuge when you are in danger. The answer to all of your problems. He is a shoulder when you are sad. When you are confused Jesus will give you clarity. Jesus is the best friend no one knows about, but everyone needs. He is your wisdom when you lack it. Jesus forgives when no one else will. He gives you water when you are thirsty. He is a guide when you are lost. A giver when you are in need. He calms the storm when you are afraid. Jesus brings peace when there is chaos. He is the most self-less person you will ever meet and know. He doesn't discriminate against people. He is a spiritual sword that cuts the weeds and entanglements in your life that are preventing you from growing or moving forward. Jesus is not only honest, he is the truth itself. He is the Way because he took on death and rose again. Jesus is salvation. He is the very act of delivering you from sin. Jesus preserves you from harm. He is the answer to all of your questions. He is a redeemer. He is God's only begotten son. Jesus doesn't disappoint. He is everything and more you could ever imagine. He is light in a dark place. A lamp to your feet. He is confidence when you lack self-esteem. He is the first spiritual leader. The first life coach. Jesus is the Way because He knows everything about you and still loves you the same. Jesus is the Way because He is the author and finisher of your faith. "Without faith it is impossible to please God." (King James Version, Hebrews. 11.6).

1.) Salvation. 2.) The way to Heaven. 3.) First Spiritual Leader. 4.) First Life Coach. 5.) Spiritual Sword. 6.) Healer. 7.) Guide. 8.) Forgiver. 9.) Teacher. 10.) Deliverer. 11.) Restorer. 12.) Revealer. 13.) Giver. 14.) Brings calm. 15.) Prince of Peace. 16.) Assurance. 17.) The Truth. 18) Directs your paths. 19.) Patient. 20.) Kind. 21.) Doesn't discriminate. 22.) He is a friend. 23.) He took on death for you. 24.) Wisdom 25.) He rose from the dead.  And so much more!

This is why Jesus is the Way.

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