God is good and His mercy endures forever.

How Do I Get Untangled? Part 3

Albert Einstein once said, "The measure of intelligence is the ability to change." If you continue to grow and changed in your life, you should understand why one of the greatest minds of society shared this important sentiment. Albert Einstein was a man who changed from a child that struggled to speak to achieving great things. This could not have been possible without growth and change. Einstein looked at things from many different angles, not just his lens, but from the lens of others as well. He was open to listen, and mainly -- open for growth. After many years of critical analysis of math, physics, and studying of life and self, Einstein came to astounding breakthroughs. This allowed him to invent the gas absorption heat pump, and create the Einstein refrigerator -- amongst other things. Einstein was a man who incessantly made advancements and adjustments to his knowledge, understanding, and experience, because he knew he could not continue to think the same or remain the same, if he wanted to advance. In order to improve your life or advance, you must take a similar stance, analyzing yourself and your decisions at every turn -- making key and critical changes to grow.

When you become untangled from a mess, in order to have the circumstance not repeat itself, personal change has to happen. This change must occur in how you think, and many times, it must occur in a change of environment. Environments typically control the majority of people's thinking and behavior in some way shape or form. For example, if you grow up in a home where the family environment is always early to events and places of interest they have to attend, you will naturally pick this up and be early in everything you have to attend and/or possibly do as well. On the other hand, if your household is late to everything, you will more than likely continue the same trend. Environments are powerful. They are constructs of where an individual will ultimately end up in life. If you can somehow get to the right environment or create the right environment inside of you, by a renewed thinking, your outside circumstances will change and  your freedom will await you.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (New International Version. Romans. 12.2). 

Have you looked at your current circumstances and checked your thinking, choices, and opinions about yourself, others, and life? This is a monumental place to start if you want to begin the untangling process. Who do you hang around? How do they speak? What do you watch on TV? How do you speak? All of these things are making contributions to your life. Whether you believe it or not. You are the product of your mentors, friends, neighborhood, work, and more. This is your environment. They are all making an impact on how you think and see things. As a result, you will act and speak out loud what you accept to listen to. It is your food. This food eventually turns into words and actions.

A great number of people go through life continuing to make the same mistakes with their money, jobs, and relationships and not changing their thinking about the matter. This is having an idol mind. It is stuck. A mind that doesn't move from its current thinking or position. Like an individual who may be stuck in an experience that happened to them when they were young, and continue to harp on it, sharing how terrible it was throughout most of their life. You will never know you have an idol mind until someone you know or are around a lot is educating themselves, learning, changing, and growing in life. This thinking places the spotlight on your past actions and occurrences. When this is happening, you will begin to feel and see a separation in language and viewpoints from anyone who is a foreword thinker or committed to growth. It becomes an uncomfortable feeling. Pay attention to your relationships and see if you are stuck or you are the one advancing your mind with education and learning.

Education and growth create a new being inside of you. One that feels more confident and able. Have you ever learned something new and felt better about yourself because of it? That is because you have just advanced yourself, giving yourself joy and power. When an individual is not making strides or methods to obtain new information for growth, they become a weight or a discomfort to those who are. There becomes an undeniable uneasiness because one party is stuck in its thinking and not cultivating growth and change -- and the other is. Often, a person will become hard to talk to, angry, or bitter because of their idle mind.

Entanglements are a manifestation of your thinking and lack of knowledge. You cannot change or improve in any of your impediments or pitfalls unless you change what and how you think. The Bible emphasizes to renew your mind and change your thinking to become new. Do you want to improve your finances? Change how you think and look at your finances. How about your job and career? Change how you think about it or how you view yourself. Lack of knowledge is what is ruining and keeping people tied up. It is what makes you make the same mistakes -- over-and-over-again. In the Bible the prophet Hosea shared this, My people are destroyed from a lack of knowledge (New International Version. Hosea. 4.6.) If you lack knowledge in your life you will continue to feel the pain from it. Or you will continue to carry pain. When an individual continues to have pain or carry pain, they become very bitter. This is exactly why Hosea shared that his people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge.  Lack of knowledge is destructive and very painful. Have you ever heard the phrase, if I only knew then what I know now? That is referring to the days of lacking knowledge and not anymore, in a specific category of Life.

God sent his Word into the earth so you do not have to lack knowledge anymore. That Word is Jesus Christ. Giving your life to Jesus will allow your pain to be removed because of lack of knowledge. Jesus is a teacher. He is the Prince of peace. Jesus is the one who will set you free from all of your pain if you allow him to. Whatever you are involved in, you must involve Jesus. Jesus is the way. He is a lamp to your feet — and much more. Jesus is not just an image of a man on a cross. Jesus is the Lord of the armies. He is the lamb of your salvation. He died so you can be free and untangled. Since He died, now all you have to do is follow what the New Testament says about how to live a life to be free.

It all starts with you. You are the captain of your ship.

Take the next step and believe in yourself. Believe that Jesus will set you free. You are blessed in the city and blessed in the field. Blessed going in and blessed going out. Let go of the pain that was caused to you. Forgive the people who have wronged or betrayed you. Let go of the anger or doubt about yourself. It is okay to not be angry with people. Or not to be bitter at a family member, friend, or ex. Bitterness and anger makes you idle. It will also keep you tangled and affect you mentally. Jesus doesn’t want you tangled and neither do I. Ask the Lord to remove the pain from your heart. Pray to God and ask Him to help you make better decisions with friends and/or mates. Whatever area of your life you are hurting in the most and don’t understand, ask Jesus to guide you in it. It is a step-by-step process. You are special and valuable. And more importantly — you deserve to be FREE!

Do not become comfortable in your entanglements. Do not except detrimental mental thoughts. That is not the way you are supposed to live. It doesn’t matter what your family has achieved or what you have not achieved. You can be free if you want. There is more for you. A life of goodness and mercy. It takes giving your life fully to Jesus and allowing him to do the work as you partner with him. You must pray and read your Bible and change who and what you listen to. Allow yourself to change like the caterpillar. The only way you can do that is by changing your environment and change your thinking.

Think like Jesus. And remember that being entangled is a position that can be changed with the right information And right actions. When you change your environment awesome things can begin to happen in your life. Trust in the Lord. He is the only guarantee. The next time you have tough thoughts, fear, or anxiety read your Bible and begin to watch and feel what happens to you. If you do not have a Bible download our app "GodsGospel," there is a Bible in our app. You deserve better. That better is an understanding and life with Jesus.

God Bless you!

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