August 23rd, 2022
Every day you wake up you will be presented with opportunities to resist things. If you have a job or go to school, the first opportunity you usually face is resisting the urge to go back to sleep when your alarm goes off. After this you are usually presented with the opportunity to stay home from work or school. Your power to resist is being challenged immediately. You have a decision to make -- stay home or snooze until the last minute. Unless you love your job or class, this will be pretty strong on you nearly everyday. These are attacks on your future, and you must resist them if you want to be successful. In the Bible it says, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (King James Version. James. 4.7). When you resist things, they will eventually leave you alone for a while. This is why it is so important to learn how to resist in life. It gives you ultimate control over your life. The only true way to be able to be in full resistance against anything, is to learn how to resist through the Word of God. If not, there will still be lingering things that you will not have the strength to resist.
Usually when you hear the word resistance it is associated with war. When you hear the same word in the Bible, it is linked to the same thing. There is a war going on. It is all around you. And you are in it, whether you want to or not. And the ones who understand this and use the word of God to stand against the enemy and his kingdom, live a much freer and smoother life than those who do not. I am not saying that you will not have trials. I am saying that you will have a way out of every situation and circumstance with the Word of God. It is because Jesus has placed Satan beneath you and this is the stance you will be fighting from. Above and not beneath like it says in Deuteronomy 28:13, “And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath.” But, if you interact with the things of Satan, and embrace the things of the world, you are on equal footing with him and will not possess any power over the things that affect your life in a negative way. By using words from the Bible you will realize the power that is in the name Jesus -- which is the Word of God. You cannot defeat the enemy by yourself. No man can. Jesus is the only one that has defeated the enemy. This is why we use His name against Satan and his kingdom. "I am healed in the name of Jesus." "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus." In everything, we use the name of Jesus. That is where your power is. Your words will not have any power, if you do not understand or believe the power in the name Jesus 100%.
Your power is in your words. It is in what you say. It is what you say and believe in that brings about your future. If you say that you will never be a millionaire and truly believe it -- it will never happen. Because that is where you placed your power and conviction. When God spoke, "let there be light." He spoke with 100% full power, knowing, and conviction in what would come after He spoke. Where you place your power and conviction is where your future will be. So, make sure you place your power and conviction in what the Bible says about you, such as -- "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (King James Version. Philippians 4:13). You must believe this Bible verse literally and not doubt it. In fact, you must believe the entire Bible and have no doubts.
In the Bible Jesus was tempted of the devil in the wilderness while fasting for forty days and forty nights. Up to this point, Satan had not faced anything with the capabilities Jesus possessed, so he naturally assumed he could use temptation to make Jesus fall just like he had made millions of others fall before him. Satan did not know he was just about to meet his match.
In this battle Jesus showcases exceptional resistance to the wiles and craftiness of Satan. He shows what being full of the Holy Spirit does for your life -- even when you are very hungry for physical food. Jesus knew the answer to beating the enemy was being full of the Holy Spirit. It is what Satan cannot stand against -- And will never be able to stand against. The enemy loves to attack when you are weak or distracted. Jesus may have been weak, but his tank was full. Throughout the time Satan was tempting Jesus, all Jesus did was say no by quoting scripture and the law of God back to the enemy. By doing this, Jesus kept the enemy guessing and off balance, which gave him no room to see any weakness that he thought Jesus had in him. Jesus displays what happens when you are filled with the Holy Spirit — the enemy does not have a chance. Luke chapter 4 shows the run down of how Jesus scourged Satan.
Satan knew that Jesus was hungry because he had been taking tabs on him during his forty day fast. What Satan didn't know was that Jesus had been studying him as well -- and was ready for combat. Through Jesus' studies he knew that Satan can only tempt you through your flesh, and no other way. He also knew that there is nothing good in the flesh, so whatever Satan tries or wants you to do is, not good. The enemy thinks he is too crafty to be figured out by anyone in a flesh body. His record preceded him. In the first bout between Jesus and Satan, the enemy brings out his first device of craftiness, and goes after Jesus' hunger by challenging him to command a stone to be turned to bread. "And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God." (King James Version. Luke 4.4). Jesus is hitting Satan on two fronts on his response, one, by saying no, and the other, by quoting the written Word of God -- Logos. The enemy challenged Jesus to worship him in an exchange to give him all the kingdoms that were on the earth. How could Satan do that? Because all of the finances and the power of the world was once in the hands of Adam and Eve in the garden. Satan used his craftiness and speech to trick and tempt Adam and Eve in the garden to eat of the tree of good and evil. Once they did, an exchange of power occurred, and Satan became the ruler over earth, leaving Adam and Eve at the whim of the enemy. From that moment Satan had control over the finances of the world and began setting up kingdoms all over the earth. When you fast-forward to Satan tempting Jesus with finances, it was something that usually worked because humans love money and power. But not Jesus. He was on another mission, and Satan could not break him from what He had come to earth to do. Not even with the finances of the world. When Satan tempts Jesus with the Finances and kingdoms of the world Jesus replies with, "Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." (King James Version. Luke 4.8). Every time Jesus does not do what the enemy tempts him with, but instead quotes scripture back at him, a part of the battle is lost by the enemy. Jesus did this until Satan retreated and left Jesus alone for three months. In the Bible it said a season.
You can do this in your life too. It just takes commitment to the Word of God. A daily commitment. Once you begin to commit daily to the word of God you will begin to receive strength and understanding, and health and wisdom -- and all of the things God promises to those who seek first his kingdom.
Jesus shows the ultimate example of resistance. He shows the exact way to defeat the enemy. Just quote scripture that applies to what he is asking you to do and do not do what he says or asks. There are many different angles the enemy will tempt you, he is very crafty. But, he is not crafty when you commit to the word of God and study who the enemy is and what he is trying to take from you through scripture. It takes time. But the time is worth it.
Resistance is one of your most valuable assets. It is what will keep peace in your life. It is one of the things that if you master it, Satan will not have a chance against you, and you will have peace in your life. In the same manner Jesus received his peace as well. Jesus is the word of God, but the word of God once on earth had to pay the price and put in the work to be successful just like any other human. Jesus came to earth to take the keys back from Satan, so you can live and have power and abundance. So, if you want peace in your life learn how to say no. But, learn how to do it using the Word of God.
Usually when you hear the word resistance it is associated with war. When you hear the same word in the Bible, it is linked to the same thing. There is a war going on. It is all around you. And you are in it, whether you want to or not. And the ones who understand this and use the word of God to stand against the enemy and his kingdom, live a much freer and smoother life than those who do not. I am not saying that you will not have trials. I am saying that you will have a way out of every situation and circumstance with the Word of God. It is because Jesus has placed Satan beneath you and this is the stance you will be fighting from. Above and not beneath like it says in Deuteronomy 28:13, “And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath.” But, if you interact with the things of Satan, and embrace the things of the world, you are on equal footing with him and will not possess any power over the things that affect your life in a negative way. By using words from the Bible you will realize the power that is in the name Jesus -- which is the Word of God. You cannot defeat the enemy by yourself. No man can. Jesus is the only one that has defeated the enemy. This is why we use His name against Satan and his kingdom. "I am healed in the name of Jesus." "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus." In everything, we use the name of Jesus. That is where your power is. Your words will not have any power, if you do not understand or believe the power in the name Jesus 100%.
Your power is in your words. It is in what you say. It is what you say and believe in that brings about your future. If you say that you will never be a millionaire and truly believe it -- it will never happen. Because that is where you placed your power and conviction. When God spoke, "let there be light." He spoke with 100% full power, knowing, and conviction in what would come after He spoke. Where you place your power and conviction is where your future will be. So, make sure you place your power and conviction in what the Bible says about you, such as -- "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (King James Version. Philippians 4:13). You must believe this Bible verse literally and not doubt it. In fact, you must believe the entire Bible and have no doubts.
In the Bible Jesus was tempted of the devil in the wilderness while fasting for forty days and forty nights. Up to this point, Satan had not faced anything with the capabilities Jesus possessed, so he naturally assumed he could use temptation to make Jesus fall just like he had made millions of others fall before him. Satan did not know he was just about to meet his match.
In this battle Jesus showcases exceptional resistance to the wiles and craftiness of Satan. He shows what being full of the Holy Spirit does for your life -- even when you are very hungry for physical food. Jesus knew the answer to beating the enemy was being full of the Holy Spirit. It is what Satan cannot stand against -- And will never be able to stand against. The enemy loves to attack when you are weak or distracted. Jesus may have been weak, but his tank was full. Throughout the time Satan was tempting Jesus, all Jesus did was say no by quoting scripture and the law of God back to the enemy. By doing this, Jesus kept the enemy guessing and off balance, which gave him no room to see any weakness that he thought Jesus had in him. Jesus displays what happens when you are filled with the Holy Spirit — the enemy does not have a chance. Luke chapter 4 shows the run down of how Jesus scourged Satan.
Satan knew that Jesus was hungry because he had been taking tabs on him during his forty day fast. What Satan didn't know was that Jesus had been studying him as well -- and was ready for combat. Through Jesus' studies he knew that Satan can only tempt you through your flesh, and no other way. He also knew that there is nothing good in the flesh, so whatever Satan tries or wants you to do is, not good. The enemy thinks he is too crafty to be figured out by anyone in a flesh body. His record preceded him. In the first bout between Jesus and Satan, the enemy brings out his first device of craftiness, and goes after Jesus' hunger by challenging him to command a stone to be turned to bread. "And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God." (King James Version. Luke 4.4). Jesus is hitting Satan on two fronts on his response, one, by saying no, and the other, by quoting the written Word of God -- Logos. The enemy challenged Jesus to worship him in an exchange to give him all the kingdoms that were on the earth. How could Satan do that? Because all of the finances and the power of the world was once in the hands of Adam and Eve in the garden. Satan used his craftiness and speech to trick and tempt Adam and Eve in the garden to eat of the tree of good and evil. Once they did, an exchange of power occurred, and Satan became the ruler over earth, leaving Adam and Eve at the whim of the enemy. From that moment Satan had control over the finances of the world and began setting up kingdoms all over the earth. When you fast-forward to Satan tempting Jesus with finances, it was something that usually worked because humans love money and power. But not Jesus. He was on another mission, and Satan could not break him from what He had come to earth to do. Not even with the finances of the world. When Satan tempts Jesus with the Finances and kingdoms of the world Jesus replies with, "Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." (King James Version. Luke 4.8). Every time Jesus does not do what the enemy tempts him with, but instead quotes scripture back at him, a part of the battle is lost by the enemy. Jesus did this until Satan retreated and left Jesus alone for three months. In the Bible it said a season.
You can do this in your life too. It just takes commitment to the Word of God. A daily commitment. Once you begin to commit daily to the word of God you will begin to receive strength and understanding, and health and wisdom -- and all of the things God promises to those who seek first his kingdom.
Jesus shows the ultimate example of resistance. He shows the exact way to defeat the enemy. Just quote scripture that applies to what he is asking you to do and do not do what he says or asks. There are many different angles the enemy will tempt you, he is very crafty. But, he is not crafty when you commit to the word of God and study who the enemy is and what he is trying to take from you through scripture. It takes time. But the time is worth it.
Resistance is one of your most valuable assets. It is what will keep peace in your life. It is one of the things that if you master it, Satan will not have a chance against you, and you will have peace in your life. In the same manner Jesus received his peace as well. Jesus is the word of God, but the word of God once on earth had to pay the price and put in the work to be successful just like any other human. Jesus came to earth to take the keys back from Satan, so you can live and have power and abundance. So, if you want peace in your life learn how to say no. But, learn how to do it using the Word of God.
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1 John 4:18
Ask God
Bible Education
Face Your Fears
Faith comes by hearing
Faith in Jesus
Fear Not
Fear is a lie
God is able
Gods Gospel
Great Faith
Heart Break
I will not fear
In Jesus Name
Issue of Blood
Jacob Abrahamson
James 2:26
Jesu is the life
Jesus Christ
Jesus is the truth
Jesus is the way
Job 3:25
Lies of Satan
New Testament
Philippians 4:7
Power of God
Psalms 147:3
Refuse to Fear
Revelation 13:8
Seek Ye First The Kingdom
The Power of Effort
The Word of God
Touch Jesus
Touching Jesus
Trust In the Lord
Understanding Faith
Walk By faith
Who touched me?
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