God is good and His mercy endures forever.

Journey with God part 2

When Jesus walked the earth He continuously shared to his disciples and to the world what a journey of life would be if you were with Him. He gave examples, told stories, and allowed onlookers to see what happens when He is in your life and the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Jesus wanted -- and still wants -- everyone to know whoever chooses to walk with him and dedicate fully to the Word of God, what the journey of life will be. "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (King James Version. Matthew. 11.30). Jesus was speaking about the exchange you will receive when you dedicate your life to Him, and follow His ways. This life involves a light burden. Not like the burden society places on you. What family can place on you or many other things. The Lord takes on the heavy weight for you. 1 Peter 5:7 says, casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. Jesus is all about you. He points this out time-after-time throughout his days on the earth. How many people do you know who are all about you like Jesus showed his dedication to people in the Bible? What Jesus did for them back then He is doing, and will do the same for you now. His word is always present tense. You just have to believe it and make the sacrifice.

God understands that life down here is a journey. The way he designed it was for Him to be involved with the journey — in every part of the journey. And since God created us, He set rules to life for us to be successful during this path. "..and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it" (King James Version. Genesis. 1.28). These are all commands from the Lord. The matter in all of this is, whether we follow these commands or not. When you follow the commands of the Lord, blessings and a gamut of things surround your life. "Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and Blessed shalt thou be in the field. (King James Version. Deuteronomy 28.3). It means God will bless you in a metropolis and in a rural area. He covers it all. Is God involved with your journey? If not, today is the day to begin to involve Him. Talk to Him. Ask Him in. That is, to be in your life. Ask Him to guide you in school, with your parenting, or your finances. Involve Him with your house decorating or house purchase. Ask the Lord to help you choose the mate he has for you. Or even choosing a new place to rent. God has "ALL" the answers you will ever need. It is up to you on how you would like your life to be. God is the only guarantee. Nothing else.

The process always turns out better when we involve God. He sees the traps and problems down the road that we do not see. You just have to be in full understanding that the guidance the Lord gives is through the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and prayer -- and that he has your best interest at heart. There is no way else around it. If you read in the book of Exodus how God delivered the Israelites out of the hands of Pharaoh while they were in Egypt, you will seee that He led them through the desert, and then into the 'Promised Land.' You will see how the process of the Lord works. He sent his word, and healed them, And delivered them from their destruction. (King James Version. Psalm. 107. 20). God wants to deliver you out of your situation, and partner with you. He wants to deliver you out of your destruction if you are in a destructive place too. You must have patience with yourself and with the Lord. You must also call out to the Lord with your whole heart. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. (King James Version. Jeremiah 29:13). Your journey will improve when you seek the Lord with your whole heart.

No matter what you have been through or are going through right now, you must believe that the Lord can change your situation. If you remain with the Lord your situation will never be a part of your life again. That's how powerful God is. This is all about improving your journey and turning it into a journey with God. God knows what you are going through and what you have went through. But, He knows what future he has for you as well. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. (King James Version. Jeremiah 29.11). Your life is already planned with the Lord. He has an expected end for you. The Lord's end for you is prosperous and protected, guided and clear. You can only activate these blessings when you involve the Lord on your journey. God gives a myriad of laws and statutes in the book of Deuteronomy. He declares blessings and curses that will come about if you act with him and without Him. They are very clear. All we have to do is do what God says to do. This is a daily and hourly commitment. Not just a one day commitment to the Lord. You must remember, it took years for you to get to where you are in your life. So, you must be patience with the Lord's process. If you trust the Lord, you will do whatever He says. Sometimes being still is part of the journey as well. Be still and know that I am God. (King James Version. Psalm. 46. 10). God gives many directives on our journey on earth. It is a distinct process. You just have to do your job and God will do his. 

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