September 14th, 2021
I believe faith is the main topic we must focus on in the Bible. The reason why I say this is for what it states in Hebrews 11:6, “But without faith it is impossible to please God.. " Faith is what God wants from us. Faith is what allows our initiation into God's kingdom. The faith to believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. If, without faith, it is impossible to please God, we must work on our faith everyday — all the time — to please Him.
In many households believers are doing a lot of good things, but they are not pleasing God, because they are not doing the main thing correct, which is walking by faith. Hebrews 11:6 is one of the main Bible verses that must be the focal point of our mission with God. That is, to please Him. I believe so many other things about us will change if we can grasp this concept and walk by faith. Faith is what eliminates fear in our life, which most of us are in bondage to. Fear to be honest. Fear to get married. Fear to have children. Fear of our past. Fear to go after our dreams, and many more lies we have become accustomed to because of fear. Faith is what allows truth to be the centerpiece of our life. Faith also destroys fear in our life. There is a famous quote that states, "When fear knocks at your door, send faith, and you will see no one is there." Fear cannot exist when faith is around. This is why you must walk by faith in everything you do.
The enemy doesn’t care how much you fast if you don’t have faith. It doesn’t matter how much you read your bible, if you don’t have faith. Faith is the root to everything that has to do with being a child of God.
Throughout the Bible faith is displayed in multiple capacities and levels to help readers and believers understand what faith really is, and how to move God with it. It is the root to a successful life with God, and a successful life on earth. Faith spreads in the Bible from Abraham and his great faith in Genesis, all the way through the New Testament with Paul, and his display of faith throughout his travels.
When God allowed Himself to be made revealed to us as Jesus, He knew part of His life and experiences would be documented in the Bible for us to learn about. By Him knowing this, He made sure certain topics would be experienced and seen by His disciples, and written down for us to be studied and learned. Jesus made it a point to showcase things specifically so we would have a better understanding of them. The Bible presents and outlines many things for you to grow up and mature in, if you pursue them. God will give you wisdom, and much more, if you ask in faith. James 1:5-6 says, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. 6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering." I think that's pretty awesome that God will give us wisdom liberally, if we ask in faith. God is pointing out to us one of the wonderful things that comes when we ask in faith -- wisdom. When you read the Bible and learn more about the word of God and who God is, you will understand there are many wonderful things God has for you if you will use faith. Walking by faith is not easy because it is basing your beliefs on what you cannot see, and your eyes are always trying to tell you different. That's why in 2 Corinthians 5:7 it says, "For we walk by faith, not by sight." Faith is believing and knowing you are a millionaire when you work a job that shows you're not. Faith is believing you will be a doctor when no one in your family has ever graduated from high school. Believing the Word of God solely because God said it -- that is faith. Knowing that you can do "All Things" through Christ who strengthens you is faith.
Jesus knows the different levels of faith people have. He states precisely what they are in the Bible to teach his disciples during his travels. It is such a blessing for the Lord to name each level of faith for us. Now we can measure where we stand comparable to the levels Jesus describes in the New Testament. Many people and Christians don’t know this, but God gives us a measure of faith for giving our life to Christ as a starter, just to give us an initial boost (Romans 12:3). This is why things just happen for baby Christians automatically when they come to Christ. It's the measure of faith God gives them as part of His welcome kit. Once that measure of faith is given to you, you must build on it, or it will run out or burn off. This is also why some Christians do not have any faith years after becoming a Christian. The measure of faith God gave to them when they accepted Christ was never worked and built-on, so their portion ran out. Faith is supposed to be continuously worked and continuously expanding through constant studying and hearing of God's Word. In James 2:26 it states that, "faith without works is dead." This indicates there is a job that comes with building faith. We must know in this job of building our faith, the rewards are immense.
In Mark 4:35-41, Jesus speaks to His disciples about having NO FAITH during a storm. This is the first level of faith. The "no faith" level. It is joined with fear. The second level of faith is the LITTLE FAITH level, it is showcased in Matthew 8:23-27. This level of faith is also joined with fear. The third level of faith which truly pleases God is the GREAT FAITH level. It is showcased in Matthew 8:5-13 and in Genesis chapter 22. There is no fear whatsoever found in this level. It is connected to pure certainty and knowing of Gods word. This is where God wants us. The goal is to eliminate doubt and fear from our life. Great faith does not know fear or doubt. We must exercise daily in the word, and get past our doubts and what society says about us and graduate to the level of knowing that, we are what the Bible says we are and we can have what the Bible says, we can have. The level that "great faith" lives at. It's the apostle Paul faith. The Abraham faith. It is the faith level that pleases God.
In many households believers are doing a lot of good things, but they are not pleasing God, because they are not doing the main thing correct, which is walking by faith. Hebrews 11:6 is one of the main Bible verses that must be the focal point of our mission with God. That is, to please Him. I believe so many other things about us will change if we can grasp this concept and walk by faith. Faith is what eliminates fear in our life, which most of us are in bondage to. Fear to be honest. Fear to get married. Fear to have children. Fear of our past. Fear to go after our dreams, and many more lies we have become accustomed to because of fear. Faith is what allows truth to be the centerpiece of our life. Faith also destroys fear in our life. There is a famous quote that states, "When fear knocks at your door, send faith, and you will see no one is there." Fear cannot exist when faith is around. This is why you must walk by faith in everything you do.
The enemy doesn’t care how much you fast if you don’t have faith. It doesn’t matter how much you read your bible, if you don’t have faith. Faith is the root to everything that has to do with being a child of God.
Throughout the Bible faith is displayed in multiple capacities and levels to help readers and believers understand what faith really is, and how to move God with it. It is the root to a successful life with God, and a successful life on earth. Faith spreads in the Bible from Abraham and his great faith in Genesis, all the way through the New Testament with Paul, and his display of faith throughout his travels.
When God allowed Himself to be made revealed to us as Jesus, He knew part of His life and experiences would be documented in the Bible for us to learn about. By Him knowing this, He made sure certain topics would be experienced and seen by His disciples, and written down for us to be studied and learned. Jesus made it a point to showcase things specifically so we would have a better understanding of them. The Bible presents and outlines many things for you to grow up and mature in, if you pursue them. God will give you wisdom, and much more, if you ask in faith. James 1:5-6 says, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. 6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering." I think that's pretty awesome that God will give us wisdom liberally, if we ask in faith. God is pointing out to us one of the wonderful things that comes when we ask in faith -- wisdom. When you read the Bible and learn more about the word of God and who God is, you will understand there are many wonderful things God has for you if you will use faith. Walking by faith is not easy because it is basing your beliefs on what you cannot see, and your eyes are always trying to tell you different. That's why in 2 Corinthians 5:7 it says, "For we walk by faith, not by sight." Faith is believing and knowing you are a millionaire when you work a job that shows you're not. Faith is believing you will be a doctor when no one in your family has ever graduated from high school. Believing the Word of God solely because God said it -- that is faith. Knowing that you can do "All Things" through Christ who strengthens you is faith.
Jesus knows the different levels of faith people have. He states precisely what they are in the Bible to teach his disciples during his travels. It is such a blessing for the Lord to name each level of faith for us. Now we can measure where we stand comparable to the levels Jesus describes in the New Testament. Many people and Christians don’t know this, but God gives us a measure of faith for giving our life to Christ as a starter, just to give us an initial boost (Romans 12:3). This is why things just happen for baby Christians automatically when they come to Christ. It's the measure of faith God gives them as part of His welcome kit. Once that measure of faith is given to you, you must build on it, or it will run out or burn off. This is also why some Christians do not have any faith years after becoming a Christian. The measure of faith God gave to them when they accepted Christ was never worked and built-on, so their portion ran out. Faith is supposed to be continuously worked and continuously expanding through constant studying and hearing of God's Word. In James 2:26 it states that, "faith without works is dead." This indicates there is a job that comes with building faith. We must know in this job of building our faith, the rewards are immense.
In Mark 4:35-41, Jesus speaks to His disciples about having NO FAITH during a storm. This is the first level of faith. The "no faith" level. It is joined with fear. The second level of faith is the LITTLE FAITH level, it is showcased in Matthew 8:23-27. This level of faith is also joined with fear. The third level of faith which truly pleases God is the GREAT FAITH level. It is showcased in Matthew 8:5-13 and in Genesis chapter 22. There is no fear whatsoever found in this level. It is connected to pure certainty and knowing of Gods word. This is where God wants us. The goal is to eliminate doubt and fear from our life. Great faith does not know fear or doubt. We must exercise daily in the word, and get past our doubts and what society says about us and graduate to the level of knowing that, we are what the Bible says we are and we can have what the Bible says, we can have. The level that "great faith" lives at. It's the apostle Paul faith. The Abraham faith. It is the faith level that pleases God.
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1 John 4:18
Ask God
Bible Education
Face Your Fears
Faith comes by hearing
Faith in Jesus
Fear Not
Fear is a lie
God is able
Gods Gospel
Great Faith
Heart Break
I will not fear
In Jesus Name
Issue of Blood
Jacob Abrahamson
James 2:26
Jesu is the life
Jesus Christ
Jesus is the truth
Jesus is the way
Job 3:25
Lies of Satan
New Testament
Philippians 4:7
Power of God
Psalms 147:3
Refuse to Fear
Revelation 13:8
Seek Ye First The Kingdom
The Power of Effort
The Word of God
Touch Jesus
Touching Jesus
Trust In the Lord
Understanding Faith
Walk By faith
Who touched me?
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