February 4th, 2022
February has been designated as the month of love. It has become the month to show your mate or whomever you love how much you care for them with a gesture of a gift or words to remind that person of your love toward them. Many people do not know how to show love or receive love, so they just copy what the rest of society is doing during this patch of time. If you really want to know what true love is, make a decision to get to know God. Take the bold step and step into a world that most do not know about. The world of knowing what love is through a relationship with God. A place with God that will totally transform your thinking of what love truly is and how to act it out in your life.
It is important to know -- God doesn't have love -- He is love. He is the very thing itself. Love is one of the many wonderful and captivating things God is. God's love is dominating and powerful. It's undeserving and miraculous. It's pervasive! The love of God protects and removes fear wherever it goes. God's love is a cleanser of your mind, body, and soul. The most popular verse in the Bible speaks about the inexplicable love of God. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (The King James Study Bible, John. 3.16). This one verse is the embodiment of the Bible.
Who God is shows you by His actions. God is love. He loves you beyond measure. Through God's love he gave to you. He gave His only begotten Son as a sacrificial lamb for the sins of the world to you. The love of God is filled throughout the entire Bible -- from the beginning to the very end of the Bible where the 'Garden of Eden' is restored. When you get to know God you will find the small details of love from God. It will not be hard to notice and feel them. His love will not be hard to find. You will never have to go looking for it or need a miracle to know God loves you. His love will be felt and experienced daily. God parted the Red Sea for the Israelites to show His love for them. He freed the Jews from their bondage from Pharoah in Egypt to show His love. God made water come out of a rock in the desert to show who He is. Every book of the Bible showcases God's love in a multitude of ways. This is why studying the Bible is vital because it will help you to understand what real and true love is, which, if duplicated into your own life will bring success to every part of it.
I am not sure what type of experiences you had with people in your upbringing. If you experienced love from a father or a mother. If you experienced the love of God from a sister or a brother or maybe from an uncle or an aunt. No matter what type of relationships you had or have in your life now, or what you have experienced, you will never know true love until you build a relationship with God and allow Him to show you who He is through the Word. Nowadays, it is rare to find people who possess the love of God in them. The reason is because nowadays most people are not committed to living 100% with God and being done with the world. In order for you not to be disappointed in trying to find someone who has the love of God in them, you must place your focus on God and what His love is, so when you find someone who has that love it is easier to recognize.
There are many verses about love and the different sides to it in the Bible. Whenever you read about love in the Bible, it is talking directly about God. According to scripture, love has no fear in it. If you are in a relationship of any kind and the person says they love you, but you experience fear that is not real love. Love does not accompany fear at any time. They cannot mix. 1 John speaks of this. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. (New International Version, 1 John 4:18). The verse is speaking specifically about God. It can be re-read like this, "There is no fear in God. But perfect God drives our fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in God. Understanding this verse and applying it to every relationship you are a part of will help you to know what type of relationship you are involved in, and what kind of relationship you can aim for. 1 John 4:18 should be one of your standards in life. Love is also a corrector. It does not allow you to continue down the wrong path. Love will tell you the truth about your lifestyle, and/or choices. Love will keep you on the right path.
If you are in a relationship with someone and they feel that you are going to leave them, this means they do not feel your love. You may need to learn how to love better. The only way is through the Word of God -- which is the Bible and prayer. Love is a security blanket. The best relationships and relationships where both people feel true love, is where both people are 100% honest, have nothing to hide, and give love that God has to the other. When your child has a fear of any kind, give them love. Why? Because perfect love drives out fear, just like 1 John 4:18 says. You are actually allowing God to work in your relationship when you love with his love. If you ever feel fear at anytime, start telling the Lord how much you love him, over and over again, your fear will leave. Fear cannot stay in the presence of love -- ever. Because fear cannot be in the presence of God. Once you figure this out, you will begin to strengthen your mind and life through the love of God.
The book of Job speaks about God being a corrector. It says, "Blessed is the one who God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty" (New International Version, Job. 5.17). When the Lord corrects you he is doing it because He loves you. He is displaying to you who He is, which is LOVE. He is doing you a favor. God is a corrector because that's what love does. It corrects. It is very important to get to know the God who corrects. The God who protects. The God who is undefeated and has never lost a battle, because "love conquers all." Make it a point to get to know God. Learn about his love. Learn about the very fabric and essence of what God is. Getting to know who God is, is a life long journey and a joy to those who yield to him and give their heart to him 100%. If you want to know what love is -- get to know God.
It is important to know -- God doesn't have love -- He is love. He is the very thing itself. Love is one of the many wonderful and captivating things God is. God's love is dominating and powerful. It's undeserving and miraculous. It's pervasive! The love of God protects and removes fear wherever it goes. God's love is a cleanser of your mind, body, and soul. The most popular verse in the Bible speaks about the inexplicable love of God. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (The King James Study Bible, John. 3.16). This one verse is the embodiment of the Bible.
Who God is shows you by His actions. God is love. He loves you beyond measure. Through God's love he gave to you. He gave His only begotten Son as a sacrificial lamb for the sins of the world to you. The love of God is filled throughout the entire Bible -- from the beginning to the very end of the Bible where the 'Garden of Eden' is restored. When you get to know God you will find the small details of love from God. It will not be hard to notice and feel them. His love will not be hard to find. You will never have to go looking for it or need a miracle to know God loves you. His love will be felt and experienced daily. God parted the Red Sea for the Israelites to show His love for them. He freed the Jews from their bondage from Pharoah in Egypt to show His love. God made water come out of a rock in the desert to show who He is. Every book of the Bible showcases God's love in a multitude of ways. This is why studying the Bible is vital because it will help you to understand what real and true love is, which, if duplicated into your own life will bring success to every part of it.
I am not sure what type of experiences you had with people in your upbringing. If you experienced love from a father or a mother. If you experienced the love of God from a sister or a brother or maybe from an uncle or an aunt. No matter what type of relationships you had or have in your life now, or what you have experienced, you will never know true love until you build a relationship with God and allow Him to show you who He is through the Word. Nowadays, it is rare to find people who possess the love of God in them. The reason is because nowadays most people are not committed to living 100% with God and being done with the world. In order for you not to be disappointed in trying to find someone who has the love of God in them, you must place your focus on God and what His love is, so when you find someone who has that love it is easier to recognize.
There are many verses about love and the different sides to it in the Bible. Whenever you read about love in the Bible, it is talking directly about God. According to scripture, love has no fear in it. If you are in a relationship of any kind and the person says they love you, but you experience fear that is not real love. Love does not accompany fear at any time. They cannot mix. 1 John speaks of this. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. (New International Version, 1 John 4:18). The verse is speaking specifically about God. It can be re-read like this, "There is no fear in God. But perfect God drives our fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in God. Understanding this verse and applying it to every relationship you are a part of will help you to know what type of relationship you are involved in, and what kind of relationship you can aim for. 1 John 4:18 should be one of your standards in life. Love is also a corrector. It does not allow you to continue down the wrong path. Love will tell you the truth about your lifestyle, and/or choices. Love will keep you on the right path.
If you are in a relationship with someone and they feel that you are going to leave them, this means they do not feel your love. You may need to learn how to love better. The only way is through the Word of God -- which is the Bible and prayer. Love is a security blanket. The best relationships and relationships where both people feel true love, is where both people are 100% honest, have nothing to hide, and give love that God has to the other. When your child has a fear of any kind, give them love. Why? Because perfect love drives out fear, just like 1 John 4:18 says. You are actually allowing God to work in your relationship when you love with his love. If you ever feel fear at anytime, start telling the Lord how much you love him, over and over again, your fear will leave. Fear cannot stay in the presence of love -- ever. Because fear cannot be in the presence of God. Once you figure this out, you will begin to strengthen your mind and life through the love of God.
The book of Job speaks about God being a corrector. It says, "Blessed is the one who God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty" (New International Version, Job. 5.17). When the Lord corrects you he is doing it because He loves you. He is displaying to you who He is, which is LOVE. He is doing you a favor. God is a corrector because that's what love does. It corrects. It is very important to get to know the God who corrects. The God who protects. The God who is undefeated and has never lost a battle, because "love conquers all." Make it a point to get to know God. Learn about his love. Learn about the very fabric and essence of what God is. Getting to know who God is, is a life long journey and a joy to those who yield to him and give their heart to him 100%. If you want to know what love is -- get to know God.
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1 John 4:18
Ask God
Bible Education
Face Your Fears
Faith comes by hearing
Faith in Jesus
Fear Not
Fear is a lie
God is able
Gods Gospel
Great Faith
Heart Break
I will not fear
In Jesus Name
Issue of Blood
Jacob Abrahamson
James 2:26
Jesu is the life
Jesus Christ
Jesus is the truth
Jesus is the way
Job 3:25
Lies of Satan
New Testament
Philippians 4:7
Power of God
Psalms 147:3
Refuse to Fear
Revelation 13:8
Seek Ye First The Kingdom
The Power of Effort
The Word of God
Touch Jesus
Touching Jesus
Trust In the Lord
Understanding Faith
Walk By faith
Who touched me?
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