July 29th, 2022
When the word commitment is brought up it is natural to think of what it means to you. Your upbringing, past relationships, and goals you may have had. What you saw in your home through the people that were there. Or, what you were, or were not taught, based upon committing. Depending on your experiences in life you may cringe just thinking about commitments. You may possibly be afraid of the word, and want nothing to do with it. On the other hand, it could give you excitement and fond memories. A feeling of confidence reminiscent of the rewards and successes you have received from it. You may think of your job and how you made it to your position because of the sacrifices you made. Maybe your weight you lost because of your dedication to your goal. Committing to the right thing and seeing the fruit and rewards of it, is something that renders a joy and happiness no one can take from you. It's a wonderful feeling.
Committing can be arduous and taxing. It can take all you have during the process. If what you are committed is believed to be worth it, the rewards of achieving within it will give you a feeling that you can be proud of. No matter what, if you want to be successful in anything -- you need commitment.
The Bible is a commitment book. Designed to guide you to success from beginning to end. You can only have success and true protection on this earth through the Bible. You can read the Bible every day and know a bunch of Bible verses, but if you do not understand the Bible and have commitment in what the Bible is guiding you and commanding you to do, you will experience the same thing that sinners experience. Why? Because God works through commitment and understanding. Sinners do not have understanding of the Bible and if you do not understand the Bible, you will get the same results as them. It's the same thing as going to class every day but not understanding the material. If you do not understand your class material, you will not have confidence and/or pass the class. There is no way around it. Commitment in the right thing allows you to grow. It will allow you to have growth and power in the Word of God. It will give you the power and dominion over the works of the enemy, and that is the most important thing.
God says to commit to His Word and what it says, and specific results will occur in your life. He showcases this and emphasizes it all throughout the Bible. Jesus said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (The King James Study Bible, Matthew. 6.33). Seeking first the kingdom of God is a commitment. It is not an easy commitment, but it is a commitment that is 100% worth it. Because of what comes with seeking first the kingdom, God's rewards come from that very action. God cannot lie. In order for you to reap the benefits from the Word of God, you must convince yourself of it, believe it, and know it. "God is not a man that he should lie; Neither the son of man that he should repent: Hath he said, and shall he not do it?" (The King James Study Bible, Numbers. 23.19). When you can convince yourself that He cannot lie, based upon knowing Him, and your commitment through the spirit, you step into a place of promise. And this is the goal in life -- the place of promise from God. All of the blessings begin to become accessible to you. That is one of the secrets to the Word of God.
God wants to reward you. But, He can't do it unless you have commitment to Him. God doesn't allow humans to prosper without commitment to His Word. Contrary to what people think, having money does not mean you are prosperous. You can have an abundance of finances and have no prosperity. Because peace is the main factor to success not finances. And you cannot buy peace. Peace is given from God -- and only by God -- to those who are committed to His Word. It is a reward for the commitment. "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (The King James Study Bible, Philippians. 4.7). There are many ways to gain finances without being prosperous. We see it every day in society. But, many of those people do not have peace as much as it may seem as they do. Prosperity is being spirit-filled, having peace from God, and being in direct contact with the Word of God. Something the world does not know about. The world places their faith in finances and material things. If you place your commitment in the same things the world does, you will end up with an empty feeling and the same experiences the world has.
God does not want you to struggle in any part of your life. He created you to be successful and to have peace while on this earth. God has given you guidelines and rules to live by to make this voyage on planet earth a good one. It is up to you to make the commitment to enjoy what He has for you through His Word. The stipulation is that you must be committed. When you can figure out the power of commitment in your life -- apply it -- and stick to it, you will step into a new world. This world that is created will be by your commitment.
I am not sure if you have experienced someone who is not a committed friend or a mate you had in the past. It is not a good feeling or fun -- at all. It is not fun to God either. He loves commitment from you. He wants commitment from you. When you do it, the wonderful treasures God has for you will come into your life.
"In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he shall direct thy paths." (The King James Study Bible, Proverbs. 3:
Committing can be arduous and taxing. It can take all you have during the process. If what you are committed is believed to be worth it, the rewards of achieving within it will give you a feeling that you can be proud of. No matter what, if you want to be successful in anything -- you need commitment.
The Bible is a commitment book. Designed to guide you to success from beginning to end. You can only have success and true protection on this earth through the Bible. You can read the Bible every day and know a bunch of Bible verses, but if you do not understand the Bible and have commitment in what the Bible is guiding you and commanding you to do, you will experience the same thing that sinners experience. Why? Because God works through commitment and understanding. Sinners do not have understanding of the Bible and if you do not understand the Bible, you will get the same results as them. It's the same thing as going to class every day but not understanding the material. If you do not understand your class material, you will not have confidence and/or pass the class. There is no way around it. Commitment in the right thing allows you to grow. It will allow you to have growth and power in the Word of God. It will give you the power and dominion over the works of the enemy, and that is the most important thing.
God says to commit to His Word and what it says, and specific results will occur in your life. He showcases this and emphasizes it all throughout the Bible. Jesus said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (The King James Study Bible, Matthew. 6.33). Seeking first the kingdom of God is a commitment. It is not an easy commitment, but it is a commitment that is 100% worth it. Because of what comes with seeking first the kingdom, God's rewards come from that very action. God cannot lie. In order for you to reap the benefits from the Word of God, you must convince yourself of it, believe it, and know it. "God is not a man that he should lie; Neither the son of man that he should repent: Hath he said, and shall he not do it?" (The King James Study Bible, Numbers. 23.19). When you can convince yourself that He cannot lie, based upon knowing Him, and your commitment through the spirit, you step into a place of promise. And this is the goal in life -- the place of promise from God. All of the blessings begin to become accessible to you. That is one of the secrets to the Word of God.
God wants to reward you. But, He can't do it unless you have commitment to Him. God doesn't allow humans to prosper without commitment to His Word. Contrary to what people think, having money does not mean you are prosperous. You can have an abundance of finances and have no prosperity. Because peace is the main factor to success not finances. And you cannot buy peace. Peace is given from God -- and only by God -- to those who are committed to His Word. It is a reward for the commitment. "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (The King James Study Bible, Philippians. 4.7). There are many ways to gain finances without being prosperous. We see it every day in society. But, many of those people do not have peace as much as it may seem as they do. Prosperity is being spirit-filled, having peace from God, and being in direct contact with the Word of God. Something the world does not know about. The world places their faith in finances and material things. If you place your commitment in the same things the world does, you will end up with an empty feeling and the same experiences the world has.
God does not want you to struggle in any part of your life. He created you to be successful and to have peace while on this earth. God has given you guidelines and rules to live by to make this voyage on planet earth a good one. It is up to you to make the commitment to enjoy what He has for you through His Word. The stipulation is that you must be committed. When you can figure out the power of commitment in your life -- apply it -- and stick to it, you will step into a new world. This world that is created will be by your commitment.
I am not sure if you have experienced someone who is not a committed friend or a mate you had in the past. It is not a good feeling or fun -- at all. It is not fun to God either. He loves commitment from you. He wants commitment from you. When you do it, the wonderful treasures God has for you will come into your life.
"In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he shall direct thy paths." (The King James Study Bible, Proverbs. 3:
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1 John 4:18
Ask God
Bible Education
Face Your Fears
Faith comes by hearing
Faith in Jesus
Fear Not
Fear is a lie
God is able
Gods Gospel
Great Faith
Heart Break
I will not fear
In Jesus Name
Issue of Blood
Jacob Abrahamson
James 2:26
Jesu is the life
Jesus Christ
Jesus is the truth
Jesus is the way
Job 3:25
Lies of Satan
New Testament
Philippians 4:7
Power of God
Psalms 147:3
Refuse to Fear
Revelation 13:8
Seek Ye First The Kingdom
The Power of Effort
The Word of God
Touch Jesus
Touching Jesus
Trust In the Lord
Understanding Faith
Walk By faith
Who touched me?
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