January 5th, 2023
If you look back on your life you will see a list of journey's you have embarked upon up until this point. When I speak of the word journeys I mean what you have been through -- the good and the bad. The roads you have been on. Your experiences. Elementary school; marriage; divorce; high school; knee surgery; cancun vacation; dating; drinking days; coaching; taking the bus; being arrested; raising kids; living with a roommate; no money in the bank; graduation -- and others you may be able to think of. Journeys are a part of life. They are what made you who you are today. They are everything. And more importantly -- they are inescapable.
The Bible states there is a season for everything. Solomon spoke about the different seasons of life in the book of Ecclesiastes. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted. (King James Version. Ecclesiastes. 3:1-3). This is vital to understand because you can be doing something right, but if it is in the wrong season and time, it will not go as planned. This means the turnout will not be good. Have you ever taken a job that seemed to be what you wanted, and it turned out to be unfulfilling? It is because you chose the job at the wrong season and time. Since there is a time and season for everything, and you joined your job in the wrong season and time -- it cannot provide the fruit you desire from it. All of this has to do with your journey with God.
Many people around the world blame the Lord for their problems. It has become a common thing throughout history. When things go bad -- blame God. People do not understand there is seed and harvest in everything you do. Meaning, whatever you plant and continue to do, the harvest of your actions will sprout up before you at some point. Many people call this karma. It is actual 'seed and harvest.' Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (King James Version. Galatians. 6.7). God is all about seed-time and harvest time. There is no way around it. Why am I bringing up seed-time and harvest time when I am speaking about a 'Journey with God?' This is significant because you must know what you are watering and feeding while you are on your journey of life. Once you understand this concept, you will begin to understand your journey with God better.
There are bible verses that say to lean not on your own understanding, and trust in the Lord with all thine heart. And whosoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the spirit will reap eternal life. If you look back on your journey of your life up to this point, you will begin to understand why things have occurred in the fashion they did based upon these laws and rules of the Bible. If you were a child and things happened to you that were forgettable, you can apply these laws and verses to whoever raised you or you grew up being influenced by. This is the journey with God. During our daily journey of life we have an opportunity to lean on the understanding of the Lord and sow to the Spirit or sow to the flesh. Each of our decisions has a spiritual result that is eventually manifested physically.
If you want your journey to improve or be protected, you must sow to your Spirit, which is to the Lord. If you have experienced a very tumultuous life that has been continuously up-and-down, you have been sowing to the flesh and leaning on your own understanding. This is the life most people experience on earth. True peace and joy only comes from God -- no one else. He is the Prince of Peace. This is what comes with a relationship with the Lord. And peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (King James Version. Philipians. 4.7). Nothing else in life can fulfill you like the Word of God can and will. Not drugs. Not sex. Not marriage. Not money. Not gambling. Nothing outside of the Lord. When you put God first in all you do, He will bring His peace into everything you do. He will bring peace into your school, your marriage, your morning, your job, your family and anything else you bring the Lord into. This is how God works. God wants your journey to be rewarded, favored, protected, and blessed.
If it seems like whatever you decide to do doesn't come out right, ask the Lord before you do it. He wants to have a relationship with you. When you do this your seasons will improve, which will in-turn improve your journey. If you have doubt that you can experience a blessed life, remember the Bible says, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (Philippians 4:13). Your life is valuable and is destined for greatness. You can only be destined for greatness if you read your bible and spend time with the Lord in your private time. This is exactly how your journey will improve.
When the Lord is at the forefront of your life, you naturally keep in contact with Him to arrange or guide what you must do in the season you are in. In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he shall direct thy paths. (King James Version. Proverbs. 3.6). When you do this action your life will produce in all of the right seasons. Things will begin to fall into place.
God did not promise us an easy life while we are down here. What He did promise is that He will never leave us nor forsake us. "...I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." (King James Version. Hebrews. 13.5). In Luke Jesus also tells us, "I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." (King James Version. Luke. 10.19). This is key to remember in all that you do. Because journeys can have many twists and abrupt turns that cannot be handled properly unless God is involved. When you give your life to the Lord, Jesus gives you power over all the works of the enemy. The things of this life are just not manageable by a human-being alone. God wants to show you what will happen when you trust in Him. There are many stories in the Bible of what happened when a person trusted in the Lord with their whole heart. Daniel in the lions den, David in his 13 year encounter with King Saul, Esther, Ruth, Joshua, and many more.
Some journeys are much harder than others. The key to each journey is to keep going, and worship and trust the Lord along the way. This is the secret. If you do not pass a journey, you will continue to repeat it. This is what you must ask yourself. Am I partnered with God at my job? Am I trusting in the Lord at school? Is the Lord involved in my marriage? These are all questions you must ask yourself along your journey.
God is bringing a challenge before you so you can grow. But, if you do not pass your test presented by God, you will continue to face the same issue until you pass it. God does not want us thinking the same way as we did 10 years ago. Our thoughts must evolve and so must our mind.
The book of numbers represents a time when the children of Israel were stuck in the desert for 40 years because they could not change their slave-minded thinking. Many people are stuck in the desert of their life because they cannot change their thinking. If you cannot change your thinking, you will remain in the same place. Most people do not realize they have been in the same place for many years, just like the Israelites. Being in the same place does not have to do with where you live, it has to do with how you think. The bible says that you have the mind of Christ. If you have the mind of Christ, you should not be idol. You should be constantly evolving. Being idol is not biblical. You should be a newer person each year. Someone who is smarter, wiser, and stronger, physically and spiritually. When this is happening in your life through the Word of God, your seasons will produce properly in your life, and joy, peace, protection, and blessings will abound.
The Bible states there is a season for everything. Solomon spoke about the different seasons of life in the book of Ecclesiastes. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted. (King James Version. Ecclesiastes. 3:1-3). This is vital to understand because you can be doing something right, but if it is in the wrong season and time, it will not go as planned. This means the turnout will not be good. Have you ever taken a job that seemed to be what you wanted, and it turned out to be unfulfilling? It is because you chose the job at the wrong season and time. Since there is a time and season for everything, and you joined your job in the wrong season and time -- it cannot provide the fruit you desire from it. All of this has to do with your journey with God.
Many people around the world blame the Lord for their problems. It has become a common thing throughout history. When things go bad -- blame God. People do not understand there is seed and harvest in everything you do. Meaning, whatever you plant and continue to do, the harvest of your actions will sprout up before you at some point. Many people call this karma. It is actual 'seed and harvest.' Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (King James Version. Galatians. 6.7). God is all about seed-time and harvest time. There is no way around it. Why am I bringing up seed-time and harvest time when I am speaking about a 'Journey with God?' This is significant because you must know what you are watering and feeding while you are on your journey of life. Once you understand this concept, you will begin to understand your journey with God better.
There are bible verses that say to lean not on your own understanding, and trust in the Lord with all thine heart. And whosoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the spirit will reap eternal life. If you look back on your journey of your life up to this point, you will begin to understand why things have occurred in the fashion they did based upon these laws and rules of the Bible. If you were a child and things happened to you that were forgettable, you can apply these laws and verses to whoever raised you or you grew up being influenced by. This is the journey with God. During our daily journey of life we have an opportunity to lean on the understanding of the Lord and sow to the Spirit or sow to the flesh. Each of our decisions has a spiritual result that is eventually manifested physically.
If you want your journey to improve or be protected, you must sow to your Spirit, which is to the Lord. If you have experienced a very tumultuous life that has been continuously up-and-down, you have been sowing to the flesh and leaning on your own understanding. This is the life most people experience on earth. True peace and joy only comes from God -- no one else. He is the Prince of Peace. This is what comes with a relationship with the Lord. And peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (King James Version. Philipians. 4.7). Nothing else in life can fulfill you like the Word of God can and will. Not drugs. Not sex. Not marriage. Not money. Not gambling. Nothing outside of the Lord. When you put God first in all you do, He will bring His peace into everything you do. He will bring peace into your school, your marriage, your morning, your job, your family and anything else you bring the Lord into. This is how God works. God wants your journey to be rewarded, favored, protected, and blessed.
If it seems like whatever you decide to do doesn't come out right, ask the Lord before you do it. He wants to have a relationship with you. When you do this your seasons will improve, which will in-turn improve your journey. If you have doubt that you can experience a blessed life, remember the Bible says, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (Philippians 4:13). Your life is valuable and is destined for greatness. You can only be destined for greatness if you read your bible and spend time with the Lord in your private time. This is exactly how your journey will improve.
When the Lord is at the forefront of your life, you naturally keep in contact with Him to arrange or guide what you must do in the season you are in. In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he shall direct thy paths. (King James Version. Proverbs. 3.6). When you do this action your life will produce in all of the right seasons. Things will begin to fall into place.
God did not promise us an easy life while we are down here. What He did promise is that He will never leave us nor forsake us. "...I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." (King James Version. Hebrews. 13.5). In Luke Jesus also tells us, "I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." (King James Version. Luke. 10.19). This is key to remember in all that you do. Because journeys can have many twists and abrupt turns that cannot be handled properly unless God is involved. When you give your life to the Lord, Jesus gives you power over all the works of the enemy. The things of this life are just not manageable by a human-being alone. God wants to show you what will happen when you trust in Him. There are many stories in the Bible of what happened when a person trusted in the Lord with their whole heart. Daniel in the lions den, David in his 13 year encounter with King Saul, Esther, Ruth, Joshua, and many more.
Some journeys are much harder than others. The key to each journey is to keep going, and worship and trust the Lord along the way. This is the secret. If you do not pass a journey, you will continue to repeat it. This is what you must ask yourself. Am I partnered with God at my job? Am I trusting in the Lord at school? Is the Lord involved in my marriage? These are all questions you must ask yourself along your journey.
God is bringing a challenge before you so you can grow. But, if you do not pass your test presented by God, you will continue to face the same issue until you pass it. God does not want us thinking the same way as we did 10 years ago. Our thoughts must evolve and so must our mind.
The book of numbers represents a time when the children of Israel were stuck in the desert for 40 years because they could not change their slave-minded thinking. Many people are stuck in the desert of their life because they cannot change their thinking. If you cannot change your thinking, you will remain in the same place. Most people do not realize they have been in the same place for many years, just like the Israelites. Being in the same place does not have to do with where you live, it has to do with how you think. The bible says that you have the mind of Christ. If you have the mind of Christ, you should not be idol. You should be constantly evolving. Being idol is not biblical. You should be a newer person each year. Someone who is smarter, wiser, and stronger, physically and spiritually. When this is happening in your life through the Word of God, your seasons will produce properly in your life, and joy, peace, protection, and blessings will abound.
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1 John 4:18
Ask God
Bible Education
Face Your Fears
Faith comes by hearing
Faith in Jesus
Fear Not
Fear is a lie
God is able
Gods Gospel
Great Faith
Heart Break
I will not fear
In Jesus Name
Issue of Blood
Jacob Abrahamson
James 2:26
Jesu is the life
Jesus Christ
Jesus is the truth
Jesus is the way
Job 3:25
Lies of Satan
New Testament
Philippians 4:7
Power of God
Psalms 147:3
Refuse to Fear
Revelation 13:8
Seek Ye First The Kingdom
The Power of Effort
The Word of God
Touch Jesus
Touching Jesus
Trust In the Lord
Understanding Faith
Walk By faith
Who touched me?
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