July 10th, 2024
Your Thoughts Are Important
Your thoughts are a manifestation of your life. They make up every inch of it. How you feel right now is based on how you have been thinking. People who possess a positive attitude toward life, generally carry a good personality and health. They go hand-in-hand. What you think is what you say. The Bible says, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7). The reason why the Bible says thinketh in his heart, is because once you allow a thought to drive itself down into your heart, that thought is truly what you believe. This is paramount to understand. If you are a woman and believe that all men are bad, you will speak that out of your mouth. The same goes for men who think all women are no good. How you think in your heart is how you act. It is where your convictions lie. Have any insecurities? It will show in your actions and words. How about things you are confident about? This will also show in your actions and words. Think about things you are confident in and how you carry yourself within that thinking. Now do the same with the things you are insecure about. Insecure thoughts work in reverse. This article is to get you to reverse any negative thinking that you have about yourself, things or others. Negative thoughts are proven to cause health issues in people. Sicknesses and a weakened immune system can all be connected to negative thinking. Your adversary, the devil, wants you to think this way, so he can keep all of the things God has for you in your life. When you begin to understand that you are working against an enemy that wants you to keep a negative, downtrodden and pessimistic mentality in order to take or keep your dreams and gifts, you will begin to not allow a negative word and/or thought to leave your mouth again. If you are not educated about this, you will continue to have a careless tongue and say whatever you please. This is not the way it should be.
Thoughts In Your Heart
The heart is the bank of a man's life. What comes out of a man's mouth is currency to either place you in debt or increase your life. It is that simple. God states this concept in the Bible. This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live (New International Version. Deuteronomy. 30.19). God has given us an option to speak life or death into our daily circumstances. He has even set witnesses against us when we use our words. But God tell us to choose life, so our children may live. When you have a heart full of hate, un-forgiveness and/or negativity, the body will not have the cash to fill up your body properly for good health. Words can destroy and words can heal. The majority of people know this. It is exactly why people speak disparaging words toward another person when they feel disrespected or angered by them. Many of us just do not know that we are accountable for our words, and the heavens and the earth are the record keepers. Deuteronomy 30:19 states this.
Make It Match
In life things have to match in order to work. If you want to lose weight, you must match this desire with proper eating habits and possibly a work out plan to match it. Look at your words as energy builders that you take from your word bank account, which is your heart. When you use negative words you are withdrawing from your bank account. And no one likes to have insufficient funds in their bank account or be in debt to someone. On the other hand, when you use life-filling words of positivity and power, you are filling up your bank account with a positive cash flow, or you are getting out of debt from all of the negative words and curses you spoke. It is important that you get out of debt by changing how you speak. It is possible, but you have to begin with your thoughts first -- always declaring and stating what the Bible says about you. Make it match! Speaking positive things and acting in a positive and uplifting way. You also must understand that the enemy is after your thoughts. He sends thoughts into your mind that have to do with doubt, sadness, anxiety and fear. All of these emotions are dream killers. Your thoughts, if meditated on long enough, will create a chain reaction in your life to how you will feel emotionally.
Change Your Focus
Understanding the power and detriment of fear, anxiety, sadness and doubt can help you change your life and get on the road to declarations of success, organization, structure, love and more. When you read the Bible, God is constantly telling his people not to fear. He is telling us this because there is not power and a future in fearing. The stability is in faith. When you walk by faith, not by sight, you are using faith to gain control of your life. By doing this, you create a powerful heart that contains strong thoughts. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. No one wants to be around a "Debbie-downer." And more importantly, you do not want to be a Debbie-Downer. Your mission is to root into your heart phrases of power and success. Watching every word that comes out of your mouth. Thinking like this gives the enemy fits because he will not be able to take from you anymore. And now, you can build your kingdom back and keep it protected. The kingdom I am referring to is your heart, your health and your mind. So, the phrase should say, "As a man thinketh in his kingdom, so is he." Why? Because God made his children kings. It is our job to protect and expand our kingdom daily. We do this by following the Word of God and choosing life to speak into our lives daily. Every person must take an account for his or her words at some point in their life. So, do not be fooled by how you see people living and they do not keep a tight reign on their words. Their are witnesses in heaven and the earth itself, that must hold each person accountable for speaking life or curses.
Have Faith
You should never question what you can accomplish. The Bible speaks specifically about controlling your thoughts, imaginations and declaring that all things are possible. "Everything is possible for one who believes" (New International Version. Mark. 9.23). Belief comes from the heart. This is why Jesus states this in Mark, because the heart is the chamber for success. If you are having a hard time rooting belief into your heart, you must continue to read it and say it, and read it again. Then say it again. Because faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. The intent is to keep doubt out of every crevice of your life. You should never think of yourself in a low manner -- no matter what people say to you, about you, or what thought comes into your mind. Environments are key to success. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. The enemy knows the power of speaking life and cursing into a person, and what it will do to them if they do not have weapons to counter attack it. You must be always ready to defend yourself against negative words spoken toward you. We are not children of God to be trampled by others. We are a royal priesthood. The enemy always uses someone close to you to sow doubt (e.g., a teacher, coach, friend, parent, girlfriend/boyfriend, wife/husband, brother/sister, etc). Why? Because these are the people who you will listen to the most. If what someone says toward you does not line up with what the Bible says about you, rebuke it and do not receive it. This is why it is important to be selective with who you allow into your life, or who you remain around. Because what people say to you can have a profound impact on your life. What you say about yourself will have a stark impact on your life as well. This is why the Bible only speaks life into people. Good things. Empowering words. God knows what words of life do to a soul. The enemy knows what they do as well. Once you understand that this is where the battle is fought, you will always watch your words and thoughts. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (King James Version. Philippians. 4.9). Make it a conscious effort to control the thoughts that you focus on. Things that are lovely and prosperous. Building and fortifying.
A Healthy Life
Your thoughts and your words are paramount to a healthy life. Be mindful of them daily. This is where the battle of your life is won or lost. Mental illness affects people due to the lack of governing of these two battlefronts. Believing negative thoughts and connecting to negative things will dilapidate your mind. Once your mind is accepting negative words, your life will follow. Are you addicted to social media and all of the activity on their? Do you go out drinking much? What about cannabis? Do you gossip and speak about what others are doing a lot? Many people believe cannabis is healthy for the mind. It may calm you down, but it is an addictive substance, whether people believe it or not. If you suffer from depression or anxiety, the Word of God will heal you from that with no side affects. Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee (King James Version. Isaiah. 26.3). All of the peace you've been looking for is in the Bible. Mental illness is a mental junkyard, tarnishing and ruining the value of the real estate in your mind. It's time to clean up and remove all the clutter and junk that has been sitting in your thoughts and coming out of your mouth. This is a process that will take a bit of time and consistent work. But, if you have ever cleaned out an old garage or a storage full of junk, you understand it takes commitment, strength and the right mindset to do so. It also takes time. Possibly months, or even a year or two to get it where you would like it to be. This is exactly what it takes to clean out the junk that has been stored in your mind. During the cleanup process it is important to not continue to add more junk into your storage, because your actions will go for not. This is the same cure and clean-up that must take place with your thoughts and words. It starts with a plan. Plans have rules to them. Commit to daily thoughts and words from the Bible that you will declare over your life. Set rules of what you watch, read, or listen to before you go to bed. Do the same in the morning. How you begin your day and end your night are critical to your mental health. Who you talk to and what you talk about is essential as well. If you want to be healthy, you must go about seeking out ways to be healthy. This may be difficult because you may have to let go of people you assumed were your good friends. Many times we do not know that the friends that have built a life around are truly not healthy for us. This is something you are going to have to assess for yourself. This can also be the case with family members as well. If they are not healthy for your mind and/or life, it is important to remove yourself from them.
Make The Change
Mental health is curable and fixable through the Word of God. Follow the steps in this article. Make a commitment to changing your life by changing how you think and what you connect with. Gaining back your healthy mind is not an easy task, but it takes standing up to make change in your life. It will be more than worth it. Make the assessment today of your mental connections and ask the Lord to guide you through the Bible and the things that are posted in this article. Jesus loves you.
Your thoughts are a manifestation of your life. They make up every inch of it. How you feel right now is based on how you have been thinking. People who possess a positive attitude toward life, generally carry a good personality and health. They go hand-in-hand. What you think is what you say. The Bible says, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7). The reason why the Bible says thinketh in his heart, is because once you allow a thought to drive itself down into your heart, that thought is truly what you believe. This is paramount to understand. If you are a woman and believe that all men are bad, you will speak that out of your mouth. The same goes for men who think all women are no good. How you think in your heart is how you act. It is where your convictions lie. Have any insecurities? It will show in your actions and words. How about things you are confident about? This will also show in your actions and words. Think about things you are confident in and how you carry yourself within that thinking. Now do the same with the things you are insecure about. Insecure thoughts work in reverse. This article is to get you to reverse any negative thinking that you have about yourself, things or others. Negative thoughts are proven to cause health issues in people. Sicknesses and a weakened immune system can all be connected to negative thinking. Your adversary, the devil, wants you to think this way, so he can keep all of the things God has for you in your life. When you begin to understand that you are working against an enemy that wants you to keep a negative, downtrodden and pessimistic mentality in order to take or keep your dreams and gifts, you will begin to not allow a negative word and/or thought to leave your mouth again. If you are not educated about this, you will continue to have a careless tongue and say whatever you please. This is not the way it should be.
Thoughts In Your Heart
The heart is the bank of a man's life. What comes out of a man's mouth is currency to either place you in debt or increase your life. It is that simple. God states this concept in the Bible. This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live (New International Version. Deuteronomy. 30.19). God has given us an option to speak life or death into our daily circumstances. He has even set witnesses against us when we use our words. But God tell us to choose life, so our children may live. When you have a heart full of hate, un-forgiveness and/or negativity, the body will not have the cash to fill up your body properly for good health. Words can destroy and words can heal. The majority of people know this. It is exactly why people speak disparaging words toward another person when they feel disrespected or angered by them. Many of us just do not know that we are accountable for our words, and the heavens and the earth are the record keepers. Deuteronomy 30:19 states this.
Make It Match
In life things have to match in order to work. If you want to lose weight, you must match this desire with proper eating habits and possibly a work out plan to match it. Look at your words as energy builders that you take from your word bank account, which is your heart. When you use negative words you are withdrawing from your bank account. And no one likes to have insufficient funds in their bank account or be in debt to someone. On the other hand, when you use life-filling words of positivity and power, you are filling up your bank account with a positive cash flow, or you are getting out of debt from all of the negative words and curses you spoke. It is important that you get out of debt by changing how you speak. It is possible, but you have to begin with your thoughts first -- always declaring and stating what the Bible says about you. Make it match! Speaking positive things and acting in a positive and uplifting way. You also must understand that the enemy is after your thoughts. He sends thoughts into your mind that have to do with doubt, sadness, anxiety and fear. All of these emotions are dream killers. Your thoughts, if meditated on long enough, will create a chain reaction in your life to how you will feel emotionally.
Change Your Focus
Understanding the power and detriment of fear, anxiety, sadness and doubt can help you change your life and get on the road to declarations of success, organization, structure, love and more. When you read the Bible, God is constantly telling his people not to fear. He is telling us this because there is not power and a future in fearing. The stability is in faith. When you walk by faith, not by sight, you are using faith to gain control of your life. By doing this, you create a powerful heart that contains strong thoughts. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. No one wants to be around a "Debbie-downer." And more importantly, you do not want to be a Debbie-Downer. Your mission is to root into your heart phrases of power and success. Watching every word that comes out of your mouth. Thinking like this gives the enemy fits because he will not be able to take from you anymore. And now, you can build your kingdom back and keep it protected. The kingdom I am referring to is your heart, your health and your mind. So, the phrase should say, "As a man thinketh in his kingdom, so is he." Why? Because God made his children kings. It is our job to protect and expand our kingdom daily. We do this by following the Word of God and choosing life to speak into our lives daily. Every person must take an account for his or her words at some point in their life. So, do not be fooled by how you see people living and they do not keep a tight reign on their words. Their are witnesses in heaven and the earth itself, that must hold each person accountable for speaking life or curses.
Have Faith
You should never question what you can accomplish. The Bible speaks specifically about controlling your thoughts, imaginations and declaring that all things are possible. "Everything is possible for one who believes" (New International Version. Mark. 9.23). Belief comes from the heart. This is why Jesus states this in Mark, because the heart is the chamber for success. If you are having a hard time rooting belief into your heart, you must continue to read it and say it, and read it again. Then say it again. Because faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. The intent is to keep doubt out of every crevice of your life. You should never think of yourself in a low manner -- no matter what people say to you, about you, or what thought comes into your mind. Environments are key to success. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. The enemy knows the power of speaking life and cursing into a person, and what it will do to them if they do not have weapons to counter attack it. You must be always ready to defend yourself against negative words spoken toward you. We are not children of God to be trampled by others. We are a royal priesthood. The enemy always uses someone close to you to sow doubt (e.g., a teacher, coach, friend, parent, girlfriend/boyfriend, wife/husband, brother/sister, etc). Why? Because these are the people who you will listen to the most. If what someone says toward you does not line up with what the Bible says about you, rebuke it and do not receive it. This is why it is important to be selective with who you allow into your life, or who you remain around. Because what people say to you can have a profound impact on your life. What you say about yourself will have a stark impact on your life as well. This is why the Bible only speaks life into people. Good things. Empowering words. God knows what words of life do to a soul. The enemy knows what they do as well. Once you understand that this is where the battle is fought, you will always watch your words and thoughts. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (King James Version. Philippians. 4.9). Make it a conscious effort to control the thoughts that you focus on. Things that are lovely and prosperous. Building and fortifying.
A Healthy Life
Your thoughts and your words are paramount to a healthy life. Be mindful of them daily. This is where the battle of your life is won or lost. Mental illness affects people due to the lack of governing of these two battlefronts. Believing negative thoughts and connecting to negative things will dilapidate your mind. Once your mind is accepting negative words, your life will follow. Are you addicted to social media and all of the activity on their? Do you go out drinking much? What about cannabis? Do you gossip and speak about what others are doing a lot? Many people believe cannabis is healthy for the mind. It may calm you down, but it is an addictive substance, whether people believe it or not. If you suffer from depression or anxiety, the Word of God will heal you from that with no side affects. Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee (King James Version. Isaiah. 26.3). All of the peace you've been looking for is in the Bible. Mental illness is a mental junkyard, tarnishing and ruining the value of the real estate in your mind. It's time to clean up and remove all the clutter and junk that has been sitting in your thoughts and coming out of your mouth. This is a process that will take a bit of time and consistent work. But, if you have ever cleaned out an old garage or a storage full of junk, you understand it takes commitment, strength and the right mindset to do so. It also takes time. Possibly months, or even a year or two to get it where you would like it to be. This is exactly what it takes to clean out the junk that has been stored in your mind. During the cleanup process it is important to not continue to add more junk into your storage, because your actions will go for not. This is the same cure and clean-up that must take place with your thoughts and words. It starts with a plan. Plans have rules to them. Commit to daily thoughts and words from the Bible that you will declare over your life. Set rules of what you watch, read, or listen to before you go to bed. Do the same in the morning. How you begin your day and end your night are critical to your mental health. Who you talk to and what you talk about is essential as well. If you want to be healthy, you must go about seeking out ways to be healthy. This may be difficult because you may have to let go of people you assumed were your good friends. Many times we do not know that the friends that have built a life around are truly not healthy for us. This is something you are going to have to assess for yourself. This can also be the case with family members as well. If they are not healthy for your mind and/or life, it is important to remove yourself from them.
Make The Change
Mental health is curable and fixable through the Word of God. Follow the steps in this article. Make a commitment to changing your life by changing how you think and what you connect with. Gaining back your healthy mind is not an easy task, but it takes standing up to make change in your life. It will be more than worth it. Make the assessment today of your mental connections and ask the Lord to guide you through the Bible and the things that are posted in this article. Jesus loves you.
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1 John 4:18
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Faith comes by hearing
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Fear is a lie
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James 2:26
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Jesus Christ
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Job 3:25
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Power of God
Psalms 147:3
Refuse to Fear
Revelation 13:8
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Touching Jesus
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