December 29th, 2021
In the Bible before Adam and Eve fell in the garden, God was already prepared for what he would have to do to fix it. To understand this event better you have to understand what God said before Satan beguiled Eve. It is also very important to know what God did before the foundations of the world. God cannot lie and He cannot and will not go against his word. When you read this very critical piece of information you will understand God a lot better and understand that God had already prepared Jesus to come to the earth -- just in case -- we messed up!
Before I get started, let me introduce you to a Bible verse before you can acquaint yourself with the events in the 'Garden of Eden' and how God already prepared for the coming and eventual birth of Jesus, before the fall of man. The explanation is in Revelation 13:8, and it says, "...the Lamb (Jesus) who was slain before the creation of the world." This means that Jesus, who was sent to die for the world, through the virgin Mary, was already slain spiritually in preparation for the fall of mankind before He took on a human body. This is important, because when you get to know God and "learn of Him" -- like it says in scripture -- you begin to know that God is a God that has plan A, B, C, D, E, & F. In the case in the 'Garden of Eden' God had Jesus prepared to come to earth if his creation fell.
Now let's go to the Bible and cover what happened. In Genesis 1:26 God is referencing His meeting that He had with the angels in heaven. He says, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." When God says this, Satan and his fallen angels have officially been replaced with a new entity -- man. Why? Because Satan's job was to have dominion over the earth first and he lost it through his pride and deception to replace God. At this time, God is still ruler over heaven and over all creation ever created, but He wanted a place where his other creation could rule and reign -- this was earth. This is where Adam and Eve come into play.
While Adam was on the earth God gave him specific rules to abide by that is in Genesis 2:16. God said, "You are free to eat of any tree in the garden; but you must NOT eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die." Adam officially knows the rules of eating on planet earth now and the result if he eats from the forbidden one. If you reference the events in the Bible, Eve was not formed out of Adam's rib yet. So, God did not inform Eve, he told Adam the law. It was Adam's job to share this information with his wife Eve once she was formed from his rib, and he did. At this point man has full dominion over the earth that was provided by God and everything is perfect. Satan knows that God spoke and He does not break his word because God is Holy and he cannot lie. Since Satan knows this about the Lord he knows he must figure out a way to get Adam and Eve to break the law (God's word), and eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, so punishment can ensue.
In God's new design and plan anyone who wanted to dwell on earth legally, and function on earth legally, they must have a body to do so -- this included Himself as well. In Satan's thinking he knew this law applied to him as well, so he needed to find a body and the only ones he could possibly access and negotiate with was an animal. In Satan's search he sought the most subtle animal on the planet -- the serpent. Satan, through his tactics worked a deal and negotiated with the serpent to take on his body. Now, Satan legally gets to function on the earth, because he had a body to dwell in through the serpent. Even though Satan got a body to function with legally, the means by how he did was not. When the serpent agreed to allow Satan to use his body for access on earth and to function on earth, this is when 'The Fall' of man was essentially imminent.
Satan now has a body to talk to Eve. This is vital because he can begin to work against God's creation in an attempt to make them fall. In this attempt the enemy started off by asking questions. If the enemy can get you to answer his questions he can formulate his attack against you. This is why you must be careful against people who barely know you and are asking a lot of questions about you. It may be to attack or steal from you, just like Satan did in the garden. When the enemy started to ask questions to Eve, she entertained the enemy, and when you entertain nonsense -- you will fall off track. It eventually took her focus off of what God told Adam and Eve to do from the beginning and pushed Eve's focus to a place that was forbidden. Satan got Eve to lust after what was forbidden. If you are entertaining the enemy, you are not being productive, and you are not focusing on God's plan for your life. The consequences are always destruction and loss.
In Eve's distractions to the enemy's questions, he eventually got her to lust after something she knew she could not eat. This is why you do not entertain the enemy. You ignore him or put him in his place and move on with the purpose God has for you. This is what God meant by "subdue it," in Genesis 1:28. He was talking about subdueing the enemy when he shows up. Since Eve did not subdue the enemy, and instead entertained him, he activated her pride and got her to lust after and/or fantasize about the tree they were not to eat from, and eventually they did eat. In this process a law was broken and Satan knew it, so now God has to keep his word and somebody must die. Before God kills someone he curses all the culprits first. In Genesis 3:14 God deals with the serpent for allowing Satan to use his body. God said, "Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals. You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life." If you did not know this snakes used to have hind legs before God cursed and removed them. Next, God puts enmity between the serpent and the woman, and between the serpents offspring and hers; (he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.") God just told Satan in this verse that Christmas is coming. In other words, I am coming to the earth "legally" soon to crush your head and take back the authority you stole from man. Genesis 3:15 is the first prophecy of Jesus coming to earth, including what He was going to do to Satan as well -- crush your head!
This is why from that day forward Satan killed so many prophets because he was on a mission to kill the seed of various women throughout time in the Bible. It was because he was trying to prevent Christmas, which was the coming of the birth of his creator (God) and his nightmare.
In the garden, instead of killing man, God killed and shed the blood of an animal as a sin offering and wrapped man in their new clothes. Now, from that day forward all through the Old Testament until Jesus came man had to kill animals (baby lambs) and use their blood to cover their sins. This is part of the reason why the Old Testament is so bloody. The other reason is because man does not have dominion over the earth anymore -- Satan does. He knew Jesus was on his way and he wanted to do everything to stop it.
Just like when Satan negotiated with the serpent and got a body to operate in, man was essentially doomed to disobey and lose their dominion. Once Jesus was born and took-on a fleshly body, the saving of man was imminent and Satan's head would get crushed, and the Lord would take back the power Satan stole from man. This is why in the New Testament man does not have to sacrifice animals anymore for their sins, because the one who was slain before the foundation of the world (Jesus) had a body to die in and became the sacrificial lamb for the sins of the world. The death of Jesus in your life gives you dominion over the earth again -- your earth -- and puts you in a place where you can do what Genesis 1:28 says again. "Be fruitful, and multiply, replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth." You cannot possess this verse unless you have Jesus' name inside of you. That is why the birth of Jesus is so important to man, our dominion and power is restored. People are not really understanding what receiving Jesus in their life is really doing for them. If they knew, they would give their life to Christ in a second. Because they would know the transfer of power would take place again, and Jesus would give them dominion over the earth (the planet), and their own earth -- which is their own body.
God is the ultimate planner and preparer. He was prepared and ready for the fall of man, just in case it happened. When the fall happened, God fixed the problem. He sent his only begotten son who was already slain before for the world's creation to die and shed "his blood" in a physical body on earth, instead of using lambs anymore.
God saved mankind and -- if you think about it -- he saved the killing of lambs as well. What a God we serve.
God is so awesome. God loves you so much. When you think of Christmas or celebrate Christmas, you should be glorifying Jesus for what He did for you, and for the plan He already had ready to die in your place. Instead of killing you, like He said in the garden, God sent himself to die for you -- because he was talking to himself when he said, "you shall surely die." What a wonderful and Holy God we serve.. Praise His name!
Before I get started, let me introduce you to a Bible verse before you can acquaint yourself with the events in the 'Garden of Eden' and how God already prepared for the coming and eventual birth of Jesus, before the fall of man. The explanation is in Revelation 13:8, and it says, "...the Lamb (Jesus) who was slain before the creation of the world." This means that Jesus, who was sent to die for the world, through the virgin Mary, was already slain spiritually in preparation for the fall of mankind before He took on a human body. This is important, because when you get to know God and "learn of Him" -- like it says in scripture -- you begin to know that God is a God that has plan A, B, C, D, E, & F. In the case in the 'Garden of Eden' God had Jesus prepared to come to earth if his creation fell.
Now let's go to the Bible and cover what happened. In Genesis 1:26 God is referencing His meeting that He had with the angels in heaven. He says, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." When God says this, Satan and his fallen angels have officially been replaced with a new entity -- man. Why? Because Satan's job was to have dominion over the earth first and he lost it through his pride and deception to replace God. At this time, God is still ruler over heaven and over all creation ever created, but He wanted a place where his other creation could rule and reign -- this was earth. This is where Adam and Eve come into play.
While Adam was on the earth God gave him specific rules to abide by that is in Genesis 2:16. God said, "You are free to eat of any tree in the garden; but you must NOT eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die." Adam officially knows the rules of eating on planet earth now and the result if he eats from the forbidden one. If you reference the events in the Bible, Eve was not formed out of Adam's rib yet. So, God did not inform Eve, he told Adam the law. It was Adam's job to share this information with his wife Eve once she was formed from his rib, and he did. At this point man has full dominion over the earth that was provided by God and everything is perfect. Satan knows that God spoke and He does not break his word because God is Holy and he cannot lie. Since Satan knows this about the Lord he knows he must figure out a way to get Adam and Eve to break the law (God's word), and eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, so punishment can ensue.
In God's new design and plan anyone who wanted to dwell on earth legally, and function on earth legally, they must have a body to do so -- this included Himself as well. In Satan's thinking he knew this law applied to him as well, so he needed to find a body and the only ones he could possibly access and negotiate with was an animal. In Satan's search he sought the most subtle animal on the planet -- the serpent. Satan, through his tactics worked a deal and negotiated with the serpent to take on his body. Now, Satan legally gets to function on the earth, because he had a body to dwell in through the serpent. Even though Satan got a body to function with legally, the means by how he did was not. When the serpent agreed to allow Satan to use his body for access on earth and to function on earth, this is when 'The Fall' of man was essentially imminent.
Satan now has a body to talk to Eve. This is vital because he can begin to work against God's creation in an attempt to make them fall. In this attempt the enemy started off by asking questions. If the enemy can get you to answer his questions he can formulate his attack against you. This is why you must be careful against people who barely know you and are asking a lot of questions about you. It may be to attack or steal from you, just like Satan did in the garden. When the enemy started to ask questions to Eve, she entertained the enemy, and when you entertain nonsense -- you will fall off track. It eventually took her focus off of what God told Adam and Eve to do from the beginning and pushed Eve's focus to a place that was forbidden. Satan got Eve to lust after what was forbidden. If you are entertaining the enemy, you are not being productive, and you are not focusing on God's plan for your life. The consequences are always destruction and loss.
In Eve's distractions to the enemy's questions, he eventually got her to lust after something she knew she could not eat. This is why you do not entertain the enemy. You ignore him or put him in his place and move on with the purpose God has for you. This is what God meant by "subdue it," in Genesis 1:28. He was talking about subdueing the enemy when he shows up. Since Eve did not subdue the enemy, and instead entertained him, he activated her pride and got her to lust after and/or fantasize about the tree they were not to eat from, and eventually they did eat. In this process a law was broken and Satan knew it, so now God has to keep his word and somebody must die. Before God kills someone he curses all the culprits first. In Genesis 3:14 God deals with the serpent for allowing Satan to use his body. God said, "Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals. You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life." If you did not know this snakes used to have hind legs before God cursed and removed them. Next, God puts enmity between the serpent and the woman, and between the serpents offspring and hers; (he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.") God just told Satan in this verse that Christmas is coming. In other words, I am coming to the earth "legally" soon to crush your head and take back the authority you stole from man. Genesis 3:15 is the first prophecy of Jesus coming to earth, including what He was going to do to Satan as well -- crush your head!
This is why from that day forward Satan killed so many prophets because he was on a mission to kill the seed of various women throughout time in the Bible. It was because he was trying to prevent Christmas, which was the coming of the birth of his creator (God) and his nightmare.
In the garden, instead of killing man, God killed and shed the blood of an animal as a sin offering and wrapped man in their new clothes. Now, from that day forward all through the Old Testament until Jesus came man had to kill animals (baby lambs) and use their blood to cover their sins. This is part of the reason why the Old Testament is so bloody. The other reason is because man does not have dominion over the earth anymore -- Satan does. He knew Jesus was on his way and he wanted to do everything to stop it.
Just like when Satan negotiated with the serpent and got a body to operate in, man was essentially doomed to disobey and lose their dominion. Once Jesus was born and took-on a fleshly body, the saving of man was imminent and Satan's head would get crushed, and the Lord would take back the power Satan stole from man. This is why in the New Testament man does not have to sacrifice animals anymore for their sins, because the one who was slain before the foundation of the world (Jesus) had a body to die in and became the sacrificial lamb for the sins of the world. The death of Jesus in your life gives you dominion over the earth again -- your earth -- and puts you in a place where you can do what Genesis 1:28 says again. "Be fruitful, and multiply, replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth." You cannot possess this verse unless you have Jesus' name inside of you. That is why the birth of Jesus is so important to man, our dominion and power is restored. People are not really understanding what receiving Jesus in their life is really doing for them. If they knew, they would give their life to Christ in a second. Because they would know the transfer of power would take place again, and Jesus would give them dominion over the earth (the planet), and their own earth -- which is their own body.
God is the ultimate planner and preparer. He was prepared and ready for the fall of man, just in case it happened. When the fall happened, God fixed the problem. He sent his only begotten son who was already slain before for the world's creation to die and shed "his blood" in a physical body on earth, instead of using lambs anymore.
God saved mankind and -- if you think about it -- he saved the killing of lambs as well. What a God we serve.
God is so awesome. God loves you so much. When you think of Christmas or celebrate Christmas, you should be glorifying Jesus for what He did for you, and for the plan He already had ready to die in your place. Instead of killing you, like He said in the garden, God sent himself to die for you -- because he was talking to himself when he said, "you shall surely die." What a wonderful and Holy God we serve.. Praise His name!
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1 John 4:18
Ask God
Bible Education
Face Your Fears
Faith comes by hearing
Faith in Jesus
Fear Not
Fear is a lie
God is able
Gods Gospel
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Heart Break
I will not fear
In Jesus Name
Issue of Blood
Jacob Abrahamson
James 2:26
Jesu is the life
Jesus Christ
Jesus is the truth
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Job 3:25
Lies of Satan
New Testament
Philippians 4:7
Power of God
Psalms 147:3
Refuse to Fear
Revelation 13:8
Seek Ye First The Kingdom
The Power of Effort
The Word of God
Touch Jesus
Touching Jesus
Trust In the Lord
Understanding Faith
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