God is good and His mercy endures forever.

Wars and Rumors of Wars Part 2

The world is beginning to experience a multitude of disruptions and chaotic bouts all at the same time. This is not a coincidence. Covid-19, inflation, earthquakes, devastating landslides, volcanic activity, protests and rage in the streets, lawlessness, food shortages (famines), coups, expansive migration, extreme weather, antagonistic gestures of war, and multiple wars. Jesus spoke of all this happening in Matthew chapter 24. Men's hearts are turning cold. It is all a precursor to the return of Jesus Christ.  

Matthew chapter 24, which is spoken by Jesus to his disciples, explains an expansive and detailed catalog of occurrences and events that will take place. Jesus spoke of these events over 2000 years ago and most of them have occurred as proof of the truth of his words and the Bible. When you read the book of Matthew -- or any book of the Bible -- make sure you take notice every time Jesus speaks. It is vital as a follower of Christ to note when He speaks and to receive and understand what He is trying to convey to you (us). In many Bibles, when Jesus speaks, the words are in red. This is very important to have a Bible that illustrates the words of Jesus Christ in red. It will allow you to notice immediately when He is speaking, which will also allow you to open your heart and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the message.

Not everything in the Bible is designed to be plainly understood. Jesus spoke in code and parables many times so the revelations and secrets of the book were not figured out by Satan, Satan's people, or the world. Because the Bible is only truly revealed to those truly connected to God in the spirit, there are many arguments, debates, and challengers of it. The Lord designed his Word specifically to be understood by His children, which are people who receive him in their life and give their life to him fully. The more you show the Lord through commitment and obedience that you are 100% with Him, He will gradually and continuously open new rooms and secrets and treasures to you along the way that concern the Bible and life on earth. Do not be ashamed or argue if others do not understand the Bible or challenge it, they are just not in the place to receive it. Do not be concerned if you do not understand the Bible at a high level either. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand it. Your commitment to God is the key to the hidden treasure of the Bible. The more you let go of the world and do what the Bible says, the more powerful and wise you will become as well. The reason for this is that God designed His word to only open up to those who follow Matthew 6:33. "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (The King James Study Bible, Matthew. 6.33). The things that will be added unto to you are ever-flowing. Wisdom, patience, joy, peace, long-suffering, faith, meekness, temperance, finances, and much more. The well of what God provides for His children is a continuous flow of things that make life much easier on earth for you than others. Why? Because you become fully tapped into the creator -- the manufacturer of all things that were ever created.

The Bible is a spiritual book. This means you must get into the spirit to understand it. The reason for this is because God, the creator of it is a spirit. "But the hour cometh, and is now, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to him." (The King James Study Bible, John. 4.23). Constant prayer, meditation, reading and studying the Bible, listening to pastors or ministers who are fully connected to the Holy Spirit will help with growth and understanding. These are things that will make you grow in the Word. When you commit to God you must commit thinking how He thinks and acting how He acts. Before Jesus died on the cross for our sins, he shows us how to speak to the enemy, how to be forgiving, and how to conduct yourself on the earth through the Father. This should be the goal of every believer. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John showcase the life of Jesus from different experiences and vantage points by the apostles.

During today’s times on earth, it is more vital than ever to read your Bible and get into prayer and action with the Lord so he can reveal to you what is to come and what you should do with your life. God's children should be never caught off guard, because He prepares us for what's to come. Jesus was never caught off guard. God prepared Him for the life he experienced and for the hate He would endure. If you stay in the word and seek to constantly grow, you will never be caught off guard either. Your commitment to God and disconnection with a worldly lifestyle will place you in a unique place of contact and protection with God. When you do this your eyes will be opened and wisdom will be planted in you. Your main thing in life is to get wisdom and understanding. "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: And with all thy getting get understanding." (The King James Study Bible, Proverbs. 4.7). The only way you can gain wisdom and understanding is through studying the word and committing to the Lord and his ways day and night as the scriptures say. It will change your life for the better.

So, when you see the things on the earth continue to increase -- do not be alarmed, just like Jesus tells us in Matthew chpater 24. He says that the wars and rumors of war are the beginning of sorrows.  Jesus did not say, "you would experience sorrow." He said, it would be the beginning of sorrows. When you read Matthew chapter 24, it is a Father revealing to His children what is going to happen, so you are prepared and not caught off guard when it does. Exactly what a loving Father does for his children. Men's hearts have turned cold and are turning colder by the day. What you have seen around the world and will see in the future will be because of this. As long as you stay in the word and stay in contact with the Lord in prayer and meditation, He will always keep you ahead, safe, and protected. "The name of the Lord is a strong tower: The righteous runneth into it, and is safe." (The King James Study Bible, Proverbs. 18.10). So be not afraid. Continue to read your Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the deep things of God to you. Matthew chapter 24 is part of the deep things of God. 

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