November 29th, 2023
In the Bible one of the biggest stories about reach is about the woman with the issue of blood. If you do not know the story, it is a tremendous tale of an individual's commitment to get to their destination. All of us have destinations we must arrive at, whether they are for health, financial increase, knowledge, career, education, marriage, etc. The entire purpose of reach is about getting to your desired place with faith and effort. It is about turning what you cannot see into what you can see. God has given us the Bible to be our tool to achieve what might seem impossible -- and bring it to life.
If you would like to change something about yourself that seems impossible to achieve or get somewhere you do not believe you can get to, the story in the Bible about the woman with the issue of blood is a great example for you to know that all things are possible with your effort through Jesus Christ. "Everything is possible for one who believes" (New International Version. Mark. 9.23).
A woman who had an issue with her blood looked and searched for physician after physician for twelve years and not one of the doctors could help her or cure her, but the woman did not give up on her faith and mission to be healed. She did not quit or believe what the doctors told her. She continued to search and believe that she could be healed from hemorrhaging. This was an extreme case.
The power of determination and faith are working together. When you have continued faith, that power will pull the answer right into your life. As the woman prayed and kept believing that she would be healed from her disease, she pulled Jesus to her neighborhood. At that time during Jesus' walk on the earth many people crowded and followed Jesus as he walked through towns and different places. The woman who had the hemorrhaging problem did not carry much energy. She was weak and weary most of the day. When Jesus arrived in her neighborhood she saw him and said within herself, "If I can just touch the hymn of his garment I will be healed." At that moment she did not care who was around Jesus or what he was doing, her faith and determination was so powerful it gave her the ability to reach the farthest she had ever reached in her life to obtain her miracle. The woman reached through the crowd and grabbed Jesus' garment and instantly she was healed. Virtue had left Jesus and he felt that power leave him. Her faith was so strong that she pulled the healing out of Jesus, through his clothes and into her body. This was all because of a person's faith, effort, and reach.
Your situation may not be as dire as the woman with the issue of blood, but the actions and process of what you want changed in your life are the same. Faith is a tool. You must know how to use it in your life to gain what you want. You can change your entire life if you learn how to use your faith properly. Faith is a tool that is used to fight for what you cannot see. This is why the Bible says to fight the good fight of faith. The woman with the issue of blood fought the good fight of faith and won.
The Bible emphasizes a very vital point, that faith without works is dead. This means you can have faith that you will have a better job, but if you do not do your part by studying for it, prepping for it, and focusing, praying, and believing for it -- it will not work for you. The woman with the issue of blood did her part physically on top of what she was believing mentally. That's faith!
In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. (New International Version. James. 2.17). God wants you to do your part too. It is a partnership. When you figure this out, you will constantly do your job the way the Bible says so you can make sure the faith system and process works properly. The Woman with the issue of blood had so much faith and works going in her life, she forced God to send Jesus into her neighborhood so she could reach for her healing. This is exactly how faith works. Want a new house? Desire it. Believe that you have it. And mix that with working to get it -- no matter -- that size and God will begin to work on His end.
In the book of Psalms David, before he became king of Israel, sought the Lord for protection with his faith, and King Saul did not kill or triumph over him. Instead he protected David and kept him ahead of King Saul. I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. (New International Version. Psalms. 34.4). You can do the same with your faith. God listens to the righteous. If you want the protection of God seek to know more about him. Show him you have an urge to build a relationship with him. With God we must call out to him first, then He will move. Do not be ashamed to talk to the Lord when you wake up or ask Him to give you wisdom. Asking the Lord to give you wisdom and understanding will change the way you see things. Without understanding you cannot have peace in your circumstances. Without wisdom you will not know what to do with the tangible things the Lord has placed in your life. Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. (New International Version. Psalms 4.5). If you do not understand something you will not know how to use it. You will also not pass the class. When you begin to get understanding, your life will change for the better.
Begin to focus on your faith today. Be determined to change your circumstances. Be the King or Queen of your domain (life) through Christ Jesus and the Word of God. Do not allow a person or what you see others have or do get you down. You are a child of God. Decide that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Know that you are an overcomer. Plan your day to be successful. You are in charge of your thoughts, not another person. Remember, you have the mind of Christ. And do not forget to guard your heart from pollution and negativity. Keep your heart clean. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. (New International Version. Proverbs. 4.23). Begin to practice exercising your faith today on what you want changed in your life. It is a daily fight and commitment. No one has ever failed who trusted in the Lord with all their heart. When you can do that you will never fail also.
If you would like to change something about yourself that seems impossible to achieve or get somewhere you do not believe you can get to, the story in the Bible about the woman with the issue of blood is a great example for you to know that all things are possible with your effort through Jesus Christ. "Everything is possible for one who believes" (New International Version. Mark. 9.23).
A woman who had an issue with her blood looked and searched for physician after physician for twelve years and not one of the doctors could help her or cure her, but the woman did not give up on her faith and mission to be healed. She did not quit or believe what the doctors told her. She continued to search and believe that she could be healed from hemorrhaging. This was an extreme case.
The power of determination and faith are working together. When you have continued faith, that power will pull the answer right into your life. As the woman prayed and kept believing that she would be healed from her disease, she pulled Jesus to her neighborhood. At that time during Jesus' walk on the earth many people crowded and followed Jesus as he walked through towns and different places. The woman who had the hemorrhaging problem did not carry much energy. She was weak and weary most of the day. When Jesus arrived in her neighborhood she saw him and said within herself, "If I can just touch the hymn of his garment I will be healed." At that moment she did not care who was around Jesus or what he was doing, her faith and determination was so powerful it gave her the ability to reach the farthest she had ever reached in her life to obtain her miracle. The woman reached through the crowd and grabbed Jesus' garment and instantly she was healed. Virtue had left Jesus and he felt that power leave him. Her faith was so strong that she pulled the healing out of Jesus, through his clothes and into her body. This was all because of a person's faith, effort, and reach.
Your situation may not be as dire as the woman with the issue of blood, but the actions and process of what you want changed in your life are the same. Faith is a tool. You must know how to use it in your life to gain what you want. You can change your entire life if you learn how to use your faith properly. Faith is a tool that is used to fight for what you cannot see. This is why the Bible says to fight the good fight of faith. The woman with the issue of blood fought the good fight of faith and won.
The Bible emphasizes a very vital point, that faith without works is dead. This means you can have faith that you will have a better job, but if you do not do your part by studying for it, prepping for it, and focusing, praying, and believing for it -- it will not work for you. The woman with the issue of blood did her part physically on top of what she was believing mentally. That's faith!
In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. (New International Version. James. 2.17). God wants you to do your part too. It is a partnership. When you figure this out, you will constantly do your job the way the Bible says so you can make sure the faith system and process works properly. The Woman with the issue of blood had so much faith and works going in her life, she forced God to send Jesus into her neighborhood so she could reach for her healing. This is exactly how faith works. Want a new house? Desire it. Believe that you have it. And mix that with working to get it -- no matter -- that size and God will begin to work on His end.
In the book of Psalms David, before he became king of Israel, sought the Lord for protection with his faith, and King Saul did not kill or triumph over him. Instead he protected David and kept him ahead of King Saul. I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. (New International Version. Psalms. 34.4). You can do the same with your faith. God listens to the righteous. If you want the protection of God seek to know more about him. Show him you have an urge to build a relationship with him. With God we must call out to him first, then He will move. Do not be ashamed to talk to the Lord when you wake up or ask Him to give you wisdom. Asking the Lord to give you wisdom and understanding will change the way you see things. Without understanding you cannot have peace in your circumstances. Without wisdom you will not know what to do with the tangible things the Lord has placed in your life. Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. (New International Version. Psalms 4.5). If you do not understand something you will not know how to use it. You will also not pass the class. When you begin to get understanding, your life will change for the better.
Begin to focus on your faith today. Be determined to change your circumstances. Be the King or Queen of your domain (life) through Christ Jesus and the Word of God. Do not allow a person or what you see others have or do get you down. You are a child of God. Decide that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Know that you are an overcomer. Plan your day to be successful. You are in charge of your thoughts, not another person. Remember, you have the mind of Christ. And do not forget to guard your heart from pollution and negativity. Keep your heart clean. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. (New International Version. Proverbs. 4.23). Begin to practice exercising your faith today on what you want changed in your life. It is a daily fight and commitment. No one has ever failed who trusted in the Lord with all their heart. When you can do that you will never fail also.
Posted in Issue of Blood, Touching Jesus, Faith in Jesus, Who touched me?, New Testament, Reach, Power of God, Healing
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1 John 4:18
Ask God
Bible Education
Face Your Fears
Faith comes by hearing
Faith in Jesus
Fear Not
Fear is a lie
God is able
Gods Gospel
Great Faith
Heart Break
I will not fear
In Jesus Name
Issue of Blood
Jacob Abrahamson
James 2:26
Jesu is the life
Jesus Christ
Jesus is the truth
Jesus is the way
Job 3:25
Lies of Satan
New Testament
Philippians 4:7
Power of God
Psalms 147:3
Refuse to Fear
Revelation 13:8
Seek Ye First The Kingdom
The Power of Effort
The Word of God
Touch Jesus
Touching Jesus
Trust In the Lord
Understanding Faith
Walk By faith
Who touched me?
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