God is good and His mercy endures forever.

Understanding Faith Part 2

In part one of  'Understanding Faith,' I spoke about three levels of faith that are described in the Bible. Jesus describes all three of these levels of faith in the New Testament ('No Faith' Level - Mark 4:40, 'Little Faith' Level - Matthew 8:26, and 'Great Faith' Level Matthew 8:10). When you read the Bible you will notice that fear is attached to the first two levels of faith. These two levels bring nothing, or very little to our life by the movement of God. They are where most people reside with faith. No faith equals no results from God. Very little faith equals very little results from God. There isn't much trust or any at all in the Lord at these levels.

The fear that is attached to the first two levels of faith blocks the true power of God from showing up in our lives, and prohibits us from living a free life. When you read the Bible you will see nothing was achieved with the 'No Faith' Level and the 'Little Faith' Level. The enemy used fear in those cases and the people believed the fear and it took the individual's peace. The enemy uses fear to keep us from our destiny. He uses fear to make us believe we cannot have what God says we can have. In the Bible it says, "We can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens us." We must believe this verse literally, not partially or somewhat -- but fully. You want peace? The Bible says you can have it. You want to find a husband or a wife? The Bible says you can have this also. How about starting a business? That too, the Bible says you can have it. We must use faith and trust in the Lord that it is true because God says so. Fear is the only thing that will keep you away from what God says you can have. Fear is a lie and it is designed to steal our peace. We must use our voice and speak to the spirit of fear when it shows up in our life and declare out loud what the Bible says we can have instead of believing what fear says we can't have or can't do.

You may suffer from anxiety, or panic attacks. When that tries to show up again, Say these words, "GOD HAS NOT GIVEN ME THE SPIRIT OF FEAR, BUT OF POWER, LOVE, AND A SOUND MIND. I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME. I AM ESTABLISHED IN RIGHTEOUSNESS AND OPPRESSION IS FAR FROM ME." Repeat these with confidence, and fear will leave you alone. These are a few phrases from bible verses that gives us power and strength to overcome the spirit of fear in our lives. We just have to trust in the word of God.

The level of faith we must all strive for, is great faith. This level is where miraculous things happen in our life. It is the level that forces God to move in spectacular and phenomenal ways. It is the level that doesn't have a drop of fear in it. It has the power to move mountains in our lives. This is the level of faith that truly pleases God. When we have great faith there is complete understanding that the only one who is responsible for the result is God, no one else. Abraham had great faith in the book of Genesis and God made him a father of many nations because of it. Many people think faith is finding someone to borrow from when we cannot pay a bill. This is not faith. Faith is believing God will supply all our needs according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus, because Philippians 4:19 says so.  It is knowing that no one else was responsible for the act in our life except God. How can you know God is real if you do not take a leap of faith for him to show up in your life? Faith is full trust in the Lord that his word will be accomplished in our  life. In the Bible faith is described as, "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." This is in Hebrews 11:1. Faith is the sustained confidence in what we desire that provokes God to make it happen in our life. Believing something and knowing God will make it happen. God is in full control and we must know this with all our fiber and being and trust him. Remember, God is truth. Truth will not come to you. You have to seek truth. Truth is not in crowds, or where most people hang out. Truth is in secret places. We must pursue truth and it will be revealed to us. In the Bible in Matthew 7:7-8 it says, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: for everyone that asks shall receive; and he that seeks shall find; and to him that knocks it shall be opened."

God doesn't care what we have experienced or seen in the past because faith does not go by what it sees. Faith doesn't go by how we were raised or our past traumas. It does not go by how much abuse we've experienced or seen in our lives. Faith is fully in the unseen realm. 2 Corinthians 5:7 says, "For we walk by faith, not by sight." Therefore, what we see is always subject to change. Bad health? Subject to change. No Husband? Subject to change. No Car? Subject to change. We must know one hundred percent in our heart that all things are possible and will change -- if we believe. I believe today is the day your faith will change in your life. I believe your fears will be removed. Whatever is keeping you from achieving peace in your life, I command that spirit to leave your life right now in the name of Jesus. You can achieve. You will achieve. You are more than a conqueror.  

Since God is a spirit and not seen, he puts all our dreams, wants, and desires in the same place - in the unseen. The more we place fear on something the more we place ourselves in bondage to that fear. If we are continuously speaking our fears about sickness we give the enemy access to make us sick. If we are fearful of school we will not go to school or graduate. Take control of your life and speak against fear with faith! The only way to increase our faith is by continuously hearing the word of God. Romans 10:17 "So then Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God." It's time to come out of darkness and step into the light and grab ahold of our lives by faith.

God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us..   Ephesians 3:20. 

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