January 20th, 2022
If you go around the world and ask people questions about God, you will hear many different views on who or what God is. You will get a multitude of responses from good to bad -- even that He doesn't exist -- based upon how the individual views the creator of the heavens and the earth. The truth is, there is so much to God. He has many sides to Him. He is multidimensional. The depth to him is inexplicable. He is omniscient and omnipotent. He's the beginning and the ending. He is endless and constantly expanding and creating. So, where do you start when you have to introduce pure deity that is so much deeper than an intro?
I am not going to be the arbiter of where to start explaining who God is -- because God has infinite sides to him -- but I will tell you where I will begin from the vantage point I was given through my relationship with him through the holy spirit and my studies.
The first thing I would like you to know is that God is a spirit, and this spirit (God) is a king. And this spirit, who is God, is a king -- that runs a kingdom. You must understand the functions of a kingdom and how kings rule to understand God. If you do not understand this, many of the things God does and what you read in the Bible will not make sense to you.
Let's talk about the functions of a king first. The way a king rules. When a king is appointed to his position he knows that the kingdom is run by word -- by his word. Meaning, whatever he says is law. He cannot go back on anything that is spoken. If you want something to get done, get a king to speak. Why? Because they are bound to their word. Whatever they say must be kept. The reason most people don't understand the Bible is because they do not understand or realize God spoke (in the beginning) and created laws and consequences. Therefore He is bound to His laws and so are everyone who are under the law. If you go to the book of John and view chapter 1, the first verse, it says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." In this verse, God brings up "the Word" first. When you read the Bible always pay attention to the order of things, because they have major significance. In John 1:1, God is letting you know everything starts with "the Word." His word is the mover. The creator. His Word puts things in place and in proper order. Secondly, it says, "and the Word was with God." So, this means God's word is always with Him. Then, it finishes off by saying, "and the word was God." If you did not know, "the Word" is Jesus. Jesus' spiritual name was Word before he came to earth and was named Immanuel (Jesus). Jesus is God's word. Now that you know that, John 1:1 can be read, "In the beginning was Jesus, and Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God." Every time you hear the name Jesus, it is referencing God -- the creator of the heavens and the earth. The omniscient and omnipotent one.
John 1:1 is explaining to you that since the beginning everything has and will be ran by the Word -- Jesus -- who is God himself. It is very important once an individual has given their life to Jesus, that they begin to pay attention to how kings operate throughout the Bible, because God is a King, and study how Jesus operated when he was on the earth. When you read the Bible, you will see that a portion of it is dedicated to kings and their kingdoms and how these kings and their kingdoms operate. This is for us to understand how to be kingdom minded. How to understand our God better and how He operates.
One example of kings being bound to their word is in the book of Daniel chapter 6, when all the presidents, princes, governors, and captains came to King Darius with a new law they wanted enacted. This law was that no man shall pray or ask of a petition to their God for thirty days, except only to ask of king Darius or they would be thrown in the lions den as a repercussion. In king Darius' response he set out the decree and signed off on it. During this time Daniel prayed three times a day to the Lord in supplication. King Darius did not know this about Daniel. When the men found Daniel praying to God in supplication, they brought him to king Darius. Even though Daniel was a good friend of king Darius and had a high ranking job in government, king Darius could not make any exemptions for the word that was sent out. As a result, Daniel had to be sent to the lion's den against the wants of king Darius, even though they were good friends. This is what being a king is all about -- your word and being bound to it.
I hope you have a little bit of a better understanding of God. When you read the Bible and learn more about Him, understand that He is a king, who runs a kingdom. Understand that Jesus is God. Know that God is a spirit. And know that this spirit, who is God is bound to His Word.
I am not going to be the arbiter of where to start explaining who God is -- because God has infinite sides to him -- but I will tell you where I will begin from the vantage point I was given through my relationship with him through the holy spirit and my studies.
The first thing I would like you to know is that God is a spirit, and this spirit (God) is a king. And this spirit, who is God, is a king -- that runs a kingdom. You must understand the functions of a kingdom and how kings rule to understand God. If you do not understand this, many of the things God does and what you read in the Bible will not make sense to you.
Let's talk about the functions of a king first. The way a king rules. When a king is appointed to his position he knows that the kingdom is run by word -- by his word. Meaning, whatever he says is law. He cannot go back on anything that is spoken. If you want something to get done, get a king to speak. Why? Because they are bound to their word. Whatever they say must be kept. The reason most people don't understand the Bible is because they do not understand or realize God spoke (in the beginning) and created laws and consequences. Therefore He is bound to His laws and so are everyone who are under the law. If you go to the book of John and view chapter 1, the first verse, it says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." In this verse, God brings up "the Word" first. When you read the Bible always pay attention to the order of things, because they have major significance. In John 1:1, God is letting you know everything starts with "the Word." His word is the mover. The creator. His Word puts things in place and in proper order. Secondly, it says, "and the Word was with God." So, this means God's word is always with Him. Then, it finishes off by saying, "and the word was God." If you did not know, "the Word" is Jesus. Jesus' spiritual name was Word before he came to earth and was named Immanuel (Jesus). Jesus is God's word. Now that you know that, John 1:1 can be read, "In the beginning was Jesus, and Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God." Every time you hear the name Jesus, it is referencing God -- the creator of the heavens and the earth. The omniscient and omnipotent one.
John 1:1 is explaining to you that since the beginning everything has and will be ran by the Word -- Jesus -- who is God himself. It is very important once an individual has given their life to Jesus, that they begin to pay attention to how kings operate throughout the Bible, because God is a King, and study how Jesus operated when he was on the earth. When you read the Bible, you will see that a portion of it is dedicated to kings and their kingdoms and how these kings and their kingdoms operate. This is for us to understand how to be kingdom minded. How to understand our God better and how He operates.
One example of kings being bound to their word is in the book of Daniel chapter 6, when all the presidents, princes, governors, and captains came to King Darius with a new law they wanted enacted. This law was that no man shall pray or ask of a petition to their God for thirty days, except only to ask of king Darius or they would be thrown in the lions den as a repercussion. In king Darius' response he set out the decree and signed off on it. During this time Daniel prayed three times a day to the Lord in supplication. King Darius did not know this about Daniel. When the men found Daniel praying to God in supplication, they brought him to king Darius. Even though Daniel was a good friend of king Darius and had a high ranking job in government, king Darius could not make any exemptions for the word that was sent out. As a result, Daniel had to be sent to the lion's den against the wants of king Darius, even though they were good friends. This is what being a king is all about -- your word and being bound to it.
I hope you have a little bit of a better understanding of God. When you read the Bible and learn more about Him, understand that He is a king, who runs a kingdom. Understand that Jesus is God. Know that God is a spirit. And know that this spirit, who is God is bound to His Word.
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1 John 4:18
Ask God
Bible Education
Face Your Fears
Faith comes by hearing
Faith in Jesus
Fear Not
Fear is a lie
God is able
Gods Gospel
Great Faith
Heart Break
I will not fear
In Jesus Name
Issue of Blood
Jacob Abrahamson
James 2:26
Jesu is the life
Jesus Christ
Jesus is the truth
Jesus is the way
Job 3:25
Lies of Satan
New Testament
Philippians 4:7
Power of God
Psalms 147:3
Refuse to Fear
Revelation 13:8
Seek Ye First The Kingdom
The Power of Effort
The Word of God
Touch Jesus
Touching Jesus
Trust In the Lord
Understanding Faith
Walk By faith
Who touched me?
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