November 9th, 2021
The world seems to have a misunderstanding of fear and what it really represents. They think of it in many different ways, but not for what it really is designed to do and its devastating impact on people.
When you see fear on TV it is usually brought up as entertainment in the form of a movie, or by random acts of people bringing it to others unwarranted. For some reason people think fear is different on TV or in jokes with their friends or family, than the fear they personally feel of divorce, death, spiders, heights, police officers, dark alleys, etc. It isn't. Fear is the same no matter how you experience it. Whether if you experience it for so-called fun and pranks, or in a terrifying way. It's the same.
As believers in Christ we must understand that not even a little fear is good in our lives. Not fear in games. Not fear on October 31st -- None. You are not supposed to fear anything. When you welcome a little fear into your life, you are agreeing that a lot of fear is okay as well. You do not get to choose the amount of fear that comes into your life after welcoming and playing with fear, and paying for it (i.e., movies, haunted houses, celebrating October 31st, etc.,) for many years. It doesn't work that way. If you are going to entertain fear in your life for fun, you cannot play the victim when you are trembling from fear that you cannot pay your rent or your bills. That's the same fear you paid for on October 31st and the night you watched a horror movie. It's the same fear you made your friend or family member feel when you laughed at them after scaring them while they were in the bathroom. You cannot be for fear only when you feel like it. You are either for fear, or against it.
Fears objective against you is the same in jokes and in terrifying situations. Its full purpose is to cripple you and to take from you. Make you immobile and destroy you. Fear will take your peace and focus from you. It will take your sanity. Fear ruins relationships and destroys marriages. It causes people to kill one another in road rage incidents. Fear causes people to steal and rob. It creates chaos and instability. Anything fear gets its hands on, or stays long enough in a place, it will ruin and destroy. There is no reason to allow anything that has to do with fear in your house or life -- this has to do with people too. Anyone who makes you feel afraid, you need to getaway from them. It is not healthy to constantly interact with someone who gives you fear or makes you afraid or go places where the spirit of fear is. Once someone gives you fear one time you should not be around them anymore. If you stay away from snakes when you know they are somewhere, why wouldn't you treat a human the same way if you know they are dangerous as well?
Fear is to be kept out of your life, not entertained. You must take a stand against it and not allow it in your life no matter if it is in a joking manner or in a serious manner. Your life will improve drastically if you keep this rule. Fear is not your friend. Not even on October 31st.
God is one-hundred percent against fear, because fear is contrary to who he is.
In Joshua 1:9 the Lord says to Joshua, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." To not be afraid is a command God has given to us as his children. He states it in Joshua 1:9. God reminds Joshua,"Have I not commanded you?" God wants us to be strong and courageous. Fear makes people weak and immobile. This command from the Lord covers every situation in our life, no matter what the circumstances are -- Do not be afraid. Now why does the Lord command us not to be afraid? Because Jesus already conquered the enemy, and he knows what it does in your life if you except it and embrace it. He is telling us, "I will guide you to victory over the enemy. Do not fear him. He is not what you think he is, if you use my word." He is also telling you, that with God fear will not control you again.
Confidence and trust is what makes people successful. If you are confident in what you are doing and trust it, you can accomplish it, and it will happen in your life. Therefore, you must have one-hundred percent trust and confidence in the word of God to keep fear out of your life in all occasions and defeat this spirit that is outo to steal, kill, and destroy.
God has given you tools to win. Now it's your job to use them. You cannot win in life if you do not speak against what is trying to hinder you or keep you down. God's tools are for you to use your voice with his word, which is the Bible. You must speak up. Use your mouth! Speak the word! 2 Timothy 1:7 is a great tool against fear. In your spare time say this verse out loud in your home or while you are driving in your car multiple times, and watch what happens to your body. Memorize it. Speak it with confidence. It takes practice first, before you can become good at something. You can do it!
The next time you feel afraid of anything or anyone speak 2 Timothy 1:7 to yourself or out loud. "For God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind." This verse is a game-changer. God gave them to you to have the victory over fear in your life. The answers are in the Bible to change your life and set you free. You just have to want to take a stand against fear in your life. Once you decide that, the clean up process and freedom can begin.
When you see fear on TV it is usually brought up as entertainment in the form of a movie, or by random acts of people bringing it to others unwarranted. For some reason people think fear is different on TV or in jokes with their friends or family, than the fear they personally feel of divorce, death, spiders, heights, police officers, dark alleys, etc. It isn't. Fear is the same no matter how you experience it. Whether if you experience it for so-called fun and pranks, or in a terrifying way. It's the same.
As believers in Christ we must understand that not even a little fear is good in our lives. Not fear in games. Not fear on October 31st -- None. You are not supposed to fear anything. When you welcome a little fear into your life, you are agreeing that a lot of fear is okay as well. You do not get to choose the amount of fear that comes into your life after welcoming and playing with fear, and paying for it (i.e., movies, haunted houses, celebrating October 31st, etc.,) for many years. It doesn't work that way. If you are going to entertain fear in your life for fun, you cannot play the victim when you are trembling from fear that you cannot pay your rent or your bills. That's the same fear you paid for on October 31st and the night you watched a horror movie. It's the same fear you made your friend or family member feel when you laughed at them after scaring them while they were in the bathroom. You cannot be for fear only when you feel like it. You are either for fear, or against it.
Fears objective against you is the same in jokes and in terrifying situations. Its full purpose is to cripple you and to take from you. Make you immobile and destroy you. Fear will take your peace and focus from you. It will take your sanity. Fear ruins relationships and destroys marriages. It causes people to kill one another in road rage incidents. Fear causes people to steal and rob. It creates chaos and instability. Anything fear gets its hands on, or stays long enough in a place, it will ruin and destroy. There is no reason to allow anything that has to do with fear in your house or life -- this has to do with people too. Anyone who makes you feel afraid, you need to getaway from them. It is not healthy to constantly interact with someone who gives you fear or makes you afraid or go places where the spirit of fear is. Once someone gives you fear one time you should not be around them anymore. If you stay away from snakes when you know they are somewhere, why wouldn't you treat a human the same way if you know they are dangerous as well?
Fear is to be kept out of your life, not entertained. You must take a stand against it and not allow it in your life no matter if it is in a joking manner or in a serious manner. Your life will improve drastically if you keep this rule. Fear is not your friend. Not even on October 31st.
God is one-hundred percent against fear, because fear is contrary to who he is.
In Joshua 1:9 the Lord says to Joshua, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." To not be afraid is a command God has given to us as his children. He states it in Joshua 1:9. God reminds Joshua,"Have I not commanded you?" God wants us to be strong and courageous. Fear makes people weak and immobile. This command from the Lord covers every situation in our life, no matter what the circumstances are -- Do not be afraid. Now why does the Lord command us not to be afraid? Because Jesus already conquered the enemy, and he knows what it does in your life if you except it and embrace it. He is telling us, "I will guide you to victory over the enemy. Do not fear him. He is not what you think he is, if you use my word." He is also telling you, that with God fear will not control you again.
Confidence and trust is what makes people successful. If you are confident in what you are doing and trust it, you can accomplish it, and it will happen in your life. Therefore, you must have one-hundred percent trust and confidence in the word of God to keep fear out of your life in all occasions and defeat this spirit that is outo to steal, kill, and destroy.
God has given you tools to win. Now it's your job to use them. You cannot win in life if you do not speak against what is trying to hinder you or keep you down. God's tools are for you to use your voice with his word, which is the Bible. You must speak up. Use your mouth! Speak the word! 2 Timothy 1:7 is a great tool against fear. In your spare time say this verse out loud in your home or while you are driving in your car multiple times, and watch what happens to your body. Memorize it. Speak it with confidence. It takes practice first, before you can become good at something. You can do it!
The next time you feel afraid of anything or anyone speak 2 Timothy 1:7 to yourself or out loud. "For God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind." This verse is a game-changer. God gave them to you to have the victory over fear in your life. The answers are in the Bible to change your life and set you free. You just have to want to take a stand against fear in your life. Once you decide that, the clean up process and freedom can begin.
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1 John 4:18
Ask God
Bible Education
Face Your Fears
Faith comes by hearing
Faith in Jesus
Fear Not
Fear is a lie
God is able
Gods Gospel
Great Faith
Heart Break
I will not fear
In Jesus Name
Issue of Blood
Jacob Abrahamson
James 2:26
Jesu is the life
Jesus Christ
Jesus is the truth
Jesus is the way
Job 3:25
Lies of Satan
New Testament
Philippians 4:7
Power of God
Psalms 147:3
Refuse to Fear
Revelation 13:8
Seek Ye First The Kingdom
The Power of Effort
The Word of God
Touch Jesus
Touching Jesus
Trust In the Lord
Understanding Faith
Walk By faith
Who touched me?
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